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your eyes widen as you looked at your
pinked haired friend

you felt relieved,the lump in your chest started to go away..

you felt happy to know she was safe

you ran to her and gave her a bear hug
Although you've only known her for quite a while you still cared for her

She hugged you back,tears swelling her eyes
"WAHHHHH you're safe! You're safe!
I was so worried that something bad happened to you!" She said

The others looked confused
so was your brothers

B/N was happy you made a friend
but he was still skeptical about all these other people

your dogs and LB/N were just beside B/N watching everything unfold

"Ok Ok enough of this dovey Bullshit"
A voice that wasnt very familiar to u spoke

"Mitsuri explain how u know her,and why she's here"
You looked up to see a white haired man filled with scars

He looks oddly familiar

you mentally shrugged before focusing

"She's my friend! I met her at school,she's the new kid that just moved here a few months ago"
Mitsuri explained

The man with scars looked at you
His eyes squinting
"You do know you cant just bring random people here right?"

"Yes..but! She said she could help us aid him! And she's my friend just give her a chance..please?"
Mitsuri pleaded as she looked at her other friends who sighed and just agreed with her

"Fine. But if they do anything that could mess things up, they're out"
He said as he walked away

Mitsuri squealed in excitement
"Come!come! Ill show you around!"

You smiled at her and grabbed your brother's hand indicating that he,Lb/N
and the dogs should follow

to which they did


"Now that ive shown you around, lets go and eat sanemi prepared us food
while i gave u guys a tour!"
Mitsuri smiled to which you nodded

You four followed mitsuri
until you reached a fire place
With everyone there

your heart started to pound as you got nervous

you were never good with people

Mitsuri sat down on a log
While patting down the seat next to her

you sat down next her while your brothers sat down next to the tall muscular man,your dogs just slept besides you

The same white haired man who's now known as sanemi
gave you and your brothers a bowl of

you thank him to which he just tsked at

"Alright! Now that we're all seated
lets Introduce ourselves shall we?"
The muscular man exclaimed
puffing up his chest while turning to face ur brothers who sat beside him

"The names uzui tengen the flashiest
of them all!" He exclaimed pointing at my brothers "You! You should be honored im talking to someone as lowly as you now Bow!" he shouted while laughing loudly

B/N looked at him as if he were crazy
while a vein popped up his head

B/N didnt like people who think of others lowly

"Stfu you manwhore, dont mind him thats just how he is" sanemi said
who's seemingly calm right now

B/N calmed down but nodded
he took his words too seriously

you chuckled at the scene that just happened before continuing to finish ur food


Everyone already left to go sleep while you stayed for a bit 
You told them u wanted to stay and think for a bit

Before mitsuri left she told you
that tomorrow you'll be meeting the person you're suppose to help

you sighed as you stood up and went to find ur brothers so u could also sleep

tomorrow is gonna be a long day..



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