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༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ

No matter what time of the day, Cosmo Clarke was ready for a case. Sat patiently at her vibrantly decorated desk, nursing a doodling pad in her hand as she waited for her stoic boss to enter the room, ''Cosmo, have you seen Hotch? I love the man but my god is he difficult to find.'' Ximena questioned the blonde shoving past the small bookshelf in Cosmo's office, ''Mena, he's in the briefing room, talking about a new case where I think you should be.'' Normally Ximena would bark at anyone who told her that but she couldn't possibly be mad at the woman who was a walking ray of sunshine, ''thanks sweetpea, you're a lifesaver.'' Cosmo offered a sweet smile as Ximena blew a friendly kiss at her.

Cosmo was always needed on a case. Whether her expertise in childcare was needed or not. The platnium locked woman spun in her chair as she picked items off her 'case work' shelf. Cosmo's case bag always contained a bar of chocolate, a notepad and pencil, two to three stuffed animals, a pack of biscuits, a rain coat, stickers, a reading book and her headphones, ''Clarke, are you ready to go?'' a familiar monotonous voice echoed through Cosmo's office, ''yep, I'm all ready.'' Cosmo trailed behind her boss like a lost puppy, ''Agent Clarke, you'll be coming with me today, the family has child so I need you to sit with her while I conduct an interview.'' Hotch informed the woman, turning on his heels as the clacking of shoes filled his ears.

''are we not flying out today?'' Cosmo quizzed, pausing in her tracks, ''unfortunately not, its a local case we've got to go see local police, take the statements as well but at least you won't feel faint from the plane ride now.'' Hotch smiled to himself watching as Cosmo's shoulders sank in relief, after all he was the only one to ever notice her discomfort and it wasn't as if the blonde haired woman knew he did, ''i guess, but its just a bit unsettling how close it is to us,'' but as quick as Cosmo dropped her smile, it returned back to its familiar place.

Very few people believed Cosmo Clarke was part of the FBI. The only thing giving her job away was the badge she carried, otherwise no one could've guessed that she was an FBI Agent from her fluorescent coloured sweater vests and the fact she always carried stuffed animals around with her, ''agent Hotchner, its nice to finally meet you in person although we were expecting more of you.'' a voiced called as the sharply dressed man entered the building, Cosmo dazing off into a trance as she followed behind, ''i'm sorry to be called in due to such unfortunate events, Agent Clarke, can you come here please?'' Hotch sighed as he watched Cosmo trail off on her own.

Flashes of blonde and blush pink filled the air as Cosmo softly skipped over to her boss, ''she's one of yours. Boy, when your section chief called saying i was going to have the best child services officer come in to help, i was not expecting this.'' the officer commented while subtly gesturing to Cosmo's flashy fashion choices, ''she may seem like a lot to handle at first but Agent Clarke is one of my best agents, she's talented in areas my other agents aren't henceforth why she is here.'' Hotch whispered to the officer as Cosmo began to draw a map of the local area on a whiteboard, ''Agent Clarke, I'm going to conduct the interview, please go sit with the daughter.'' Cosmo instantly followed her bosses instructions.

''hello, you must be Andy, my names Cosmo, is it alright if i come and sit with you?'' Cosmo set her bag down on the floor, as the brunette girl nodded at her, ''would you like anything, i've got cookies, chocolate, stickers, stuffed animals, a notepad if you want to doodle...'' Cosmo paused watching as the little girl's eyes lit up in happiness, ''you want to doodle...here you go, let me know it you want anything else.'' 

''thank you.''  was scribbled on the paper

''you are very welcome.''

''can i have a cookie please?''

''of course you can Andy, which would you like shortbread or chocolate chip?'' 

''can i have chocolate chip please?''

''yes you may and i must say i like your flowers they're very pretty.'' Cosmo commented observing the girl's drawings.

''thank you, i think you're pretty too. Like a princess.'' Andy complimented

''can i tell you a secret...'' Cosmo began, ''i think you're the most beautiful girl ever.'' The statement seemed to make the girl smile but slightly wince at the same time, ''that's what the man wrote on your photo.'' Andy wrote to Cosmo.

''what man, sweetheart?'' Cosmo anxiously asked, ''the one who took my parents, he said to tell you when i saw you and he was right you are as sweet and pretty in person.'' Andy confidently answered shocking Cosmo how much this little five year old girl could remember. The ticking of a clock filled Cosmo's ears as she didn't move her eyes from the door, anticipating her bosses arrival.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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