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-----Singapore's POV-----

??? September, 1960

"Stay close to me, Singapore." Yang di-Pertuan Negara Yusof Ishak said to me.

I don't exactly know why we're here. Apparently, we've been invited to this country called Bandar Brunei for his to celebrate somebody's birthday. The name is familiar though, I think I've heard it from somewhere in the past...

"We're here. Now, be respectful. We don't want to leave a bad impression, right?"

(Timeskip, because I don't know how to write the whole "Walking into the palace" part)

"Brunei, can you show the way for our guest?"

At that moment, I saw another personification walk into the room. The moment he heard the request, he immediately beckoned for me to follow him before leaving the room immediately. We were walking for a little while before he lead me to a small room in the palace, presumably his room. I was able to get a better look at him there. He was around the same age as me, although maybe slightly younger. His flag was mostly yellow, with a black and white diagonal stripe running across from top left to bottom right. But the thing that stood out to me the most was the emblem in red at the center. 

Judging by the way we were just looking at each other, I think he was also trying to examine me... 

But I can't blame him. It's not everyday you meet someone who's part animal.

There was silence between us for some time until he finally spoke up.

"So, uh, you're Singapore, right?..."

"Yes, and your name is Brunei?"

"Yeah, I... I actually find it hard to interact with new people. I might get nervous, so if you... see me acting like that... don't mind it..."

Oh. So that's why he's been talking to me like this.

"It's fine. I can cope."

"Thanks...By the way, what, was your name again?..."


"heh, thanks, Singa..."

Despite just meeting, we realised we had a lot in common. With the colonial era coming to an end. There were important decisions which our leaders had to make for the futures of their people, for our future. And as the two smallest countries in Southeast Asia, we had to focus on securing our futures in what felt like a... risky... region. In the end, our leaders both negotiated to join big brother Malaysia.

In the end, I managed to join in 1963, while Brunei chose not to at the last minute...



Though, I should specify. Brunei has Selective Mutism in my AU which does persist into his adulthood, but is less disruptive to his life by then. Which is why I made his speech more hesitant-sounding. 

Anyways, here's the prologue. Next chapter's coming soon.

Sources where I did the History Research:

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