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The sterile scent of the hospital room lingered as Lisa and August walked in, carrying a delicate bouquet of white lilies and a colourful "Get Well Soon" card. Claire, propped up on her hospital bed, glanced up, a flicker of surprise and confusion crossing her face at the unexpected visitors.

**Claire:** "Lisa, August... I didn't expect to see you here."

August offered a warm smile, holding out the flowers and card.

**August:** "We heard about your situation and wanted to wish you a speedy recovery. These are for you."

Claire accepted the bouquet with a mix of gratitude and wariness. She glanced at Lisa, who wore a slightly apologetic expression.

**Claire:** "Thank you. I appreciate it."

Lisa, sensing the unspoken tension, stepped forward, her eyes fixed on Claire.

**Lisa:** "Hello, Claire. It's been a while. I... I wanted to apologize for how things ended. We were going through a difficult time, and I handled it poorly."

Claire nodded, acknowledging the apology with a restrained smile. Before the atmosphere could grow heavier, August spoke, steering the conversation toward a more hopeful direction.

**August:** "I'm sorry to see you like this, Claire. I wasn't around to help out, but I'm genuinely happy to see you recovering."

Claire exchanged a few more polite words with them, and as if reading the need for privacy, her family decided to step outside the ward for a moment.

With the room cleared of Claire's relatives, Lisa took a deep breath and looked at Claire earnestly.

**Lisa:** "I took matters too far. I'm genuinely sorry, Claire."

Claire met Lisa's eyes, sensing a sincerity she hadn't expected. A small, understanding smile touched Claire's lips.

**Claire:** "We all have our moments. Let's put it behind us."

Lisa nodded, her eyes softening, and took Claire's hand. She massaged Claire's knuckles gently, bridging the emotional gap that had separated them.

**Claire:** "I'm glad your heart found its way back to August. Second chances are worth it."

Lisa blushed, casting a fond look at her husband.

**Lisa:** "I am proud of the man he has become over the years."

August, sensing the need to join the conversation, stepped forward and hugged Claire. Lisa followed suit, creating a moment of unity and understanding that the hospital room hadn't witnessed before.

Meanwhile, Ethan, Claire's husband, walked in, injecting a touch of humor into the emotional scene.

**Ethan:** "Enough of the PDA, love birds. I might as well commence with my wife."

He approached Claire's bedside with a playful grin, ruffling her hair. August and Lisa shared a knowing smile.

August, always one for camaraderie, walked up to Ethan, patting him on the shoulders.

**August:** "Take care of her, Ethan. She deserves all the happiness in the world."

**Ethan:** "Thank you, man."

They shook hands, a silent understanding passing between them. August and Lisa sensed that Claire and Ethan needed a moment alone, so they excused themselves with smiles and well-wishes, leaving the couple in the hospital room.

Once outside, August placed a hand on Lisa's shoulder, his eyes filled with a sense of contentment.

**August:** "I'm proud of you for making things right. Claire deserves happiness."

**Lisa:** "She does. And so do we."

Back in the hospital room, Ethan escorted August and Lisa to the hallway.

**Ethan:** "Thanks for coming, guys. I appreciate it."

**August:** "Protect her at all costs, Ethan. Make her feel safe around you."

**Ethan:** "I will. Thank you, August."

With a final handshake, August and Lisa made their exit, leaving Ethan to return to Claire's side. As they walked down the hospital corridor, the couple exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the significance of the visit and the newfound sense of closure and connection.

The hospital room, now filled with gentle serenity, enveloped Claire and Ethan as they faced the journey of recovery together.

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