Untitled #3

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Here's the thing. I kinda imagined on what ifs again.

What if I suddenly lose my sight and become blind? Then things wouldn't be the same again, right?

Like I must feel really depressed with all the new changes that are about to come, like how I'd suddenly lose my current job, or maybe how I'd do my routine without having to see again? That's gonna be so freaking awesome!

Like, you don't have to do anything anymore right? Like, imagine people asking you, why are you so jobless? Oh, I am unemployed right now because I AM BLIND. Like, cool, right?

Then imagine this! Whatever you do, how many people you're gonna hurt during the adapting process, people are gonna let you go, because guess why? YOU ARE BLIND AND PEOPLE ARE GONNA UNDERSTAND YOU!

Then, why is it that when you're not blind, people could not understand you? Is it not the same because you're not physically challenged? Then, what about emotionally challenged that you'd probably suffered for the longest time that you could ever imagine? Then, people COULD NOT YET UNDERSTAND YOU?

What a world we live in, right? When you are seemingly able and capable, people couldn't understand you because you are supposed to be perfect. Suddenly when you are imperfect (based on what the eyes can see), then you are suddenly looked down or understandable.

What I am about to bring on the table is, we should never really look down on people. Trust, maybe not really, but at least be kind to them. Like you'd never know what they had to go through in their lives, so don't assume that life is easy for them. They have right to be understood and to be treated fairly like anybody else.

Yet, what you see is all perfect and the easy life, right? But betcha, they felt exactly like you felt. So give them the right they deserve! Like I deserve.

So everytime you're about to look down on people, just imagine that one day you'd lose all the privileges that you have now and suddenly life is all dark to you. What would you like then? What would you need from people? How do you like to be treated?

Nah! I don't really know what I say.

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