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          Our story begins in the streets of London, in the dead of night; the streets bare of any peering eyes. The only glimmer of light being from the dimly-lit street lamps, not even the moon could be a witness, hiding behind the clouds. Unable to gaze upon London's newest victims, a young lady with long silver-white hair draping down passed her shoulders.

          A knee-length dress the color of ivory that draped around her, accentuating every curve on her body perfectly; now ripped to shreds, stained the color of blood. A gaping hole now resides in her chest, her body cut up beyond recognition and her organs spilled out of her with a pool of blood, continuously growing.

          Her once gleaming silver eyes now a dull, lifeless grey; staring up now forever still upon the face of her killer. Their killer stared down upon them, as they admired their newest masterpiece. As they stared at their work, a grin formed from ear to ear; they started to giggle, quickly becoming a loud cackle. A laughter that would strike fear in the eyes of anyone who would witness it; witnessing someone who has truly lost their mind.

          After a few minutes, they attempted to calm themselves down; their voice was raspy and along with their throat raw. They coughed, trying to clear their throat, but to no avail gave up. They turned, starting to walk away from the scene, as another terrifying grin appeared on their face. They disappeared into the shadows, planning for their next victim.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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