Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty


Everything had taken on a melancholy air since Russ's accident. Cami had been like a ghost beside me this last week, following me everywhere as if she were afraid to let me out of her sight. She didn't talk much; she was just there, and I found her presence comforting, though it made it difficult for me to find time to catch up with Derek and talk to him about our deal. We'd both agreed to back off the drug scene for a bit until things cooled down again.

Unfortunately, her constant attendance also meant Clay was around a lot. He'd wisely kept his mouth shut—at least when it came to talking to me—and didn't attempt to revisit the crass remarks he'd spoken in the theater. We'd never had a chance to talk about my accusations either. I was sure he was constantly staying with us in hopes it would prevent me from relaying the information to Cami. We were at a stalemate—he and I—neither would allow the other to be alone with her.

I hated having him around because I felt like it hindered Cami and me from talking about things that were going on between us. At the same time, it was kind of a relief, because I knew she had questions I couldn't answer. I longed to tell her everything and get it out into the open so we could deal with it, one way or another. The tension in the air seemed to thicken around us daily, and I was certain things would come to a head soon. It was almost time for me to step up my game.

Today was the day I'd been dreading. Tonight was the Masquerade dance and knowing Cami was going to spend the whole evening wrapped in Clay's arms did little to calm my nerves. I felt a restless energy coursing through me whenever I thought about it. I didn't like Clay, and I definitely didn't trust him. Out of respect for Cami and her feelings towards him, I was doing my best to stay out of the way and let them do their thing together.

I was especially missing Russ at the moment. We were all seated in the cafeteria, and I had to listen to Clay and Cami go on about their costumes and last minute preparations. Russ would've distracted me with conversation of his own so I didn't have to hear all this. I suppose I could've played the possessive boyfriend card and insisted Cami go to the dance with me, but I wasn't the sort of person who would force her to do anything. I knew Cami was stressing, so I thought attending the dance would be good—but there was no way I'd leave Clay alone with her. I could barely stomach seeing the two of them together.

As far as I was concerned, they wouldn't be best friends much longer. I was planning on telling Cami about him when it was right, and hopefully that opportunity would present itself soon. This was her tradition with her friend, and I didn't want to intrude—intrude meaning I wouldn't do anything to stop them from going together. I sure as heck would be at the dance, so I could keep an eye on her.

My cell phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and glance at the number, wondering who was calling me when I didn't recognize it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi. Is this Hunter?" a female voice spoke on the other end.

"Yes it is."

"Hi. This is Cheryl Weston, Russ's mom."

"How are you? Are things okay?" I asked, feeling nervous. I'd given her my number so she could call me if there was any change in Russ's condition.

"I'm doing fine, and yes. I called to tell you Russ finally woke up. He didn't talk much, but he recognized us, and he asked about you."

Relief washed through me, and I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. I blinked them away rapidly.

"I'm so glad to hear that."

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