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Shay Shay💗

It has been three days since I broke up with Geo and to be honest mi no feel like mi inna e best state fi go a the interview but here I am still going.

I came to the bank around 7:15, I was brought in to Dontae's office and was told that he would be their in a short while.

About five minutes later,he came.

“Shay...think yuh did bail out pon mi,” he grinned as he came into the office.

“Yuh bring e documents dem?” he asked and I nodded handing him the portfolio.

After reading through them,he asked a few questions and I got the job.

Well I insisted to start from the bank teller position so he agreed, I wasn't feeling amused but at least I now had something to take my mind off Geo.

“You can start tomorrow,”he said and I smiled.

“Thank you again,” I said and I left.

As I exited the bank and was heading to the parking lot I heard a bunch of guys behind me.

"Pssttt...yo mamz,"

Jesus Christ mi get anxiety instant. Mi just continue walk acting like mi no hear.

I went into the parking lot and walked up to my car,but I was stopped.

“Browning  yuh neva hear mi did a call yuh,” said a guy approaching me about five others standing behind him.

“Mi cyah help yuh wid sumn?” I asked.

“Cyah get yuh digits?” he asked with a grin.

Kmt...see cause mi no wah no contention.

I gave him my number and he said he would call me later,I just forced a smile and went into my car. He said his name was Ackeem and I nodded and left.
My Place📌
Earth to Geo🌚

“Bloodclaat Geo yuh look mash up yf,” said Leo sitting beside me.

Haffi believe him fi dah one deh,mi no get no good sleep fi e pass few days.

“Yuh talk wid Shay?” I asked.

“Yah fi gi Shay so time... she we no hate yuh but still nah talk to yuh ah if yuh risk e fi talk to har ah she get angry again yah fi go wait wah next month before she talk back to yuh”

“Mi feel sick out dawg,” I said resting my head on the back of the sofa.

“You ah Shay a move e same way...mi cyah badda wid unuh eno...mi a carry yuh a wah party tonight suh no come wid yuh dead vibes,”

Nah go lie dah party yah did bad but mi neva did a too feel e vibe.

Leo was entertaining two girls,while I just sat there drinking as much alcohol as I could get.

“Why yuh nah enjoy e party, ”said a lady coming up to me trailing her finger across my chest.

“Not interested,”i said taking her hand off mi.

“Cmon enjoy yuh self fi e night yuh oman nah fi  know...dats if yuh have one,” she grinned.

“Mi we pass,” I replied.

E last thing mi want a fi do sumn weh we convince Shay seh mi did actually go cheat,which mi neva do.

Her face expression changed and she stormed off pretty much pissed that she didn't get to seduce me.

About an hour later Leo said he was heading out,his hand wrapped around one of the girls he was flirting with.

“Mi a go lef out now,” he grinned winking at me.

I laughed shaking my head,Leo no easy at all.

Mi feel like a time mi go home now cuz mi literally naave no reason fi stay mi nah feel e vibe an is like mi have too much alcohol inna mi system.

I got into my car and left,yo mi head feel light.

E car a move fast yf an mi no plan fi slow done. The next thing I knew a car coming my way started to get out of control and run over my lane,all mi a try press e brake e car nah stop.

Last thing mi see a headlights and the broken pieces of glass flying towards my face as the two cars collided.

I felt the blood pouring down my face blinding my eyes. I heard sirens and then I blocked out.
At the hospital📌
Shay Shay💗

Mi literally a shake,mi almost faint when mi hear seh Geo meet inna accident.

I sat in the waiting room,with my hands clasped together,my entire body shaking involuntarily.

Leo and all his other friends where there,waiting patiently. Cece came afterwards looking terrified almost making me wonder if a so mi look to.

She sat beside me putting a comforting hand around me.

The doctor had said they couldn't do much because there was too much alcohol in his system,so they did what they could.

Now we were waiting patiently for them to come and tell us if he was conscious. Best believe right now to how mi emotion dem mix up mi just feel like fi strangle him.

I rested my head on Cece's shoulder trying to stop my self from shaking.

Few minutes later a nurse came.

“Um...are you here for Mr Wright?”she asked.

“Yes,” said Leo.

“He's now awake and I would really appreciate it if all of you don't go in there at once,” she said focusing her eyes on Leo.

“Anything fi please yuh,” said Leo winking at her and she smiled.

Ugh. Mi no just see him carry home wah girl now him a flirt wid e nurse, tell yuh bout dem man yah.

“Yuh wah go in first Shay?”he asked.

“No mi haffi cool done some a dah anger yah fus,” I replied, so they went in and checked up on him.

When they came back, the boys said they were going to leave and Leo went to flirt with the nurse and as for Cece,Jayme was waiting for her.

“Mek mi know how e go hear,” she said giving me a hug before she left.

I took a deep breath before I entered the room. There he was laying in bed with a bandage over his head.

“Shay mi neva expect yuh fi deh yahso,”he said pretending as if e fren dem neva already tell him seh mi deh yah.

“Mhhm...tell mi sumn Geo wah the hell wrong wid yuh,”i hissed.

“You a wah wrong wid mi...mi cyah sleep good a night ah mi cyah concentrate when mi deh a work mi brain feel f up,”

“Yuh wah mental help dat yuh want...yuh realise seh yuh could a kill off yuh self tonight...because what if a did sumn severe dem couldn't get fi operate pah yuh cuz yuh have to much alcohol inna yuh frigging system!”

E dude start laugh.....

“Why the fuvk yah laugh...yuh know seh mi convince seh sumn wrong wid yuh head,”

“Yuh know why mi a laugh Shay cuz now mi know yuh still love mi,” he said grinning and all I want to do is find sumn fi beat him wid cuz him inna hospital an all e care bout a if mi still love him.

“Sumn seriously wrong wid yuh,” I said folding my arms.

“Chillax no...e doctor run wah CT scan,” he said trying to sit up but only crying out in pain.

So I stepped up to the bed and helped him up,but he held on to my hand and kissed me.

I paused for awhile and then I pulled away.

“Now mi feel better, ”he said grinning and I rolled my eyes.

Team Seo all the way!!!!
Vote fi the next Chapter🔥

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