⬇️The Whole Story ⬇️

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An alarm is currently going off in Heaven. No one knows why, not even the supreme Archangel, Michael. This must be God's doing.
It is a common thought by humans that Heaven is completely different from Earth. This is true in some aspects, but evacuation is not one of them.
The angels of Heaven (Which is not much anymore, maybe 200, since many resigned and were erased from existence, which is a more common occurrence than it is thought to be) line up in single file outside the Earth teleporter, which was a small circle on the floor in a white, Heavenly room, with a button on the wall labelled "Earth".
"One at a time!" yelled Archangel Michael, "we don't want the teleporter to break!" It was actually impossible to break the teleport, Michael was just very uptight.
An unfortunate angel decided to point this out and was met with an untimely demise. After a wave of Michael's hand, the angel burst into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.
"And may that be a lesson to you all," hissed the supreme Archangel, making everyone else edge ever so slightly away from him and mumble a quiet "sorry Michael".
Slowly but surely, the angels arrive on Earth, just outside one of London's poshest hotels; the Ritz.
There are mumbles of approval from the angels now gathered outside the hotel.
Archangel Michael arrived last, along with the other Archangels: Gabriel, Raphael, and Zadkiel (Uriel, Jophiel, and Camael are among the many others who resigned).
They all stared at the hotel, unsure what to do on their first visit to Earth.
"So we just... go in?"  asked Michael.
"No, you idiot! We need money first!" snarled Archangel Raphael.
"What's... money?" Michael asked impatiently.
"Have you any idea of the way Earth works?"
"Not particularly," Michael said, then quickly covered up with; "I've just had more important jobs!"
"Of course you have. Money is Human currency. They use it for purchasing apparatus. Here," Raphael waved one hand over the other and a small card appeared.
"And that's... money?" Michael inquired.
"Sure is!"
"Come on, can we please go in?!" The other Angels begged.
"Fine!" Michael hissed.
The Angels hesitantly entered the building (bear in mind, they stood out a lot since they were all dressed in bright white from head to toe) and one unfortunate Angel walked into the glass door before someone else pointed out that you actually had to open it, unlike in Heaven.
"Whoops," he mumbled.
The Angels went up to the receptionist
"Hello! Are you checking in?" she smiled at them.
They looked at Michael expectantly. "What? Oh. Errrrr... Raphael?"
Raphael smirked at Michael, then addressed the receptionist. "Hello, 200 rooms please!"
The receptionist stared at him, speechless. "200?" she gasped, "I'm sorry, sir, I don't think we even have 200 rooms!"
"Really? Oh... What about... 10? That's probably enough."
"I can do 10. There's... quite a lot of you though...?" said the receptionist worriedly.
"Are there? It's fine, I'm sure 10 will do,"
"If you're sure. And how long are you planning to stay?" she inquired.
"Eternity," Michael chimed in.
"Uh... I'll put in a week. Okay, sir, that's £4100 for you today."
Raphael tapped his card to the pin machine, proudly looking over at Michael.

The Angels clambered upstairs to find their rooms in their new accommodation.


The Duke of Hell, Lucifer, has just been informed that the Demons of Hell are to evacuate immediately.
"Come on everyone!" He yelled, rounding them all up.
"What's going on? Where are we going?" asked Astaroth, a fallen angel and demon of the first hierarchy.
"We're being evacuated. Not sure why, but Heaven obviously have something to do with it," Lucifer whispered, then raised his voice for the other demons to hear, "We are going to Earth, everybody! Let's go, no, Asmodeus you can't stay here!"
"Will there be children to kill?" another demon, Lillith, asked.
"No! I know that's your thing, Lillith, but maybe no killing children until the rest of us can join in!" Lucifer grumbled. "Right then!" He snapped his fingers and all the Demons of Hell were teleported to Earth.
The place of teleportation came out next to the Ritz.
"Wow, Lucifer! I didn't realise you were a man of taste!" joked Asmodeus.
"What? No, we aren't staying here!" Lucifer pointed to the small, shabby B&B; "That's where we're staying!"
The Demons grumbled disapprovingly. "Why do we never get anything good?" one of them hissed.
"Because we're Demons, Hastur!" snapped Astaroth " You're a fallen angel, it's your own damn fault."
"So are you, so don't get cocky with me!" Hastur snarled back.
"Guys! Quiet, please!" Lucifer shouted, trying to restore order (which he was never very good at).
The demons went inside to pay for their rooms, which were only £700 for 20 (to which Lucifer commented: "I bet you don't get that kind of deal at the Ritz!").
The Demons went upstairs and proceeded to fight over what room who was getting until they realised each room was just as bad as the other.

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