Chapter 1 - Oceanic institute

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Philippines sea

(You are Rigas in this. But I'll change what's being said a bit. I'll just start from the moment Mac and Y/N comes with the plane.)

"I've got him, just off the port side." Mac tells you form beside your pilot seat, and you turn the plane.

"He's just like a green James Bond. I like it." You say, making Mac chuckle and nod his head in agreement.

You fly low first toward the ship and then up fast, right before the people standing on the cargo of the ship. They duck in fright and they're hats blow off.

"Hello, suckers." Mac waves.

"Looks like he's been making friends." You say.

"Wherever he goes, people just love him." Mac says sarcastically. "Only god knows why."

You chuckle as you slow the engine down to get into position.

"You got this?" Mac then asks, looking at you uncertainly.

"We'll see." You say with smirk.

In the water Jonas is watching you fly into position and toward him.

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea.." He mumbles to himself.

"Maybe this isn't the best idea." Mac says from beside you looking at Jonas in worry.

"This is gonna be awesome." You state.

"Define 'awesome'." Mac says.

"I'm about to." You tell him smugly, as you land on the water.

Jonas takes his breathing device in his mouth, preparing himself.

"Opening hatch." You announce as you do it.

You fly or sail or whatever towards Jonas and once you got him, you close the hatch as you lift into the air again. You fly off back to base.


"Next time, let's put a little more air in this thing. It's like breathing from a straw." Jonas says as Mac comes to him.

"Worked, didn't it?" He says as he helps him stand up.

"You okay?" You ask Jonas when you meet up with them outside the plane.

"If you love your job, you never work a day in your life." He tells you happy with himself as he reaches for something in his pocket. Then turning to Mac, he hands it to him.

Jonas throws his arm around your shoulder as you walk, while you inspect the breathing device in interest. The three of you walk from the plane.

Oceanic institute
Hainan, China

(Scene with Meying and Jiuming)

The event that night.

"I can't believe you've gotten this far in life without knowing how tie a tie." Mac says to him as he walks up to Meying helping Jonas tie his bow.

"First off, let's not overstate how far I've gotten in life. Second, never involved wearing a monkey suit." He tells him.

"Perfect, you look great." Meying tells him.

"So, maybe this is the start of something." Jiuming says coming up behind them.

"Don't count on it." Jonas grumbles.

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