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Before I left the studio yesterday, Crimp made me a keycard so I can get through the main doorway into the building. She explained that she arrives at work quite a while earlier then me so she is there when the twins wake up. In all realism, I feel bad for her. Imagine being treated like a ratty, stray dog all of the time!

Sadly, that is my life now. The time is currently 5:43 in the fucking morning. I've never woken up this early in my life! I guess I have to get used to it now.

Approaching the main door, I can already hear them complaining. "I told you I wanted cereal, not pancakes! Your useless!" A voice screeches as I enter the building. Once I take a quick scan of the room, I identify that the voice belonged to Velvet's twin, Veneer. He's easily recognisable from all of the Vouge magaines and interviews. A face like that would be hard to forget.

"What do we have here?" He coos at me from across the room. "Veneer that's (----). Our new makeup artist and designer," Velvet barks back at him, "I told you about them yesterday you spaz"

Trying my best not to laugh at the name, I approach the table that they are sat at. Even the tables luxorious! 

Just as I'm about to pull out a chair to sit, a familiar female voice interupts me. "What are you doing? Did you not get my fucking email!"

"Oh I'm sorry Velv-" I try to respond, only to get interupted again. "It's Miss to you, dolly." Velvet coos back at me, sending chills down my spine. To avoid any more conflict, I grab my phone and open my emails. Immediatly, I see one from Crimp informing me that the twins have a performance coming up soon. My job is to sew their outfits together before the Saturday dealine, giving me only two days. How am I going to do this in two days?

Without any further conversation, I exit the room and make a beeline for the sewing room. Luckily, the tour from yesterday allowed me to learn where it was. It doesn't take long at all for me to open into the room and get settled.

Bing! My phone rang out in the depaning silence of the room. It was an email from Crimp, explaining to me that the theme for the peformance was 'Dress To Impress'. Immediately I think of pearls and shimmer. I know what to do!


It's been around 3 hours of the same shit. Even though I physically and mentally need a break, I power through. In fact, I'm so concentrated I don't even hear anyone enter the room. "Are you done yet? Velvet sent me to check up on your progress" I hear Veneer say from the doorway. I spin around, muttering a quick "No, sir".

"Don't call me that." He quickly replies sternly. "What?" I ask, curiosity overtaking me. "Dont call me sir. I don't like formalities," Veneer responds a little more softly, "Also the oufits look... decent."

With that, Veneer turns on his heel and walks straight out the room, shutting the door behind him.

✿:* ☆:*:.    𝑀𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒   .:*:☆*:✿ (Velvet/Veneer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now