Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:Catching up (UNEDITED)


As Alexa and I are walking to the cafeteria my phone stats vibrating

"Ugg Alison is texting me a million times"I say taking my phone out and texting her back that we coming

"What does she want"Says Alexa also texting on her phone

"She's asking are we coming or not"

"Tell her we on the way "

As we go up the stairs we find Alison on on of them texting away

"I'm here gosh" I say snapping at her 20 messages she's texting

"Oh hey"she says looking up from her phone,standing up and picking up her bag

"How's the first day been" Alexa asks as we walk into the cafeteria

"I take a tray and pick pasta and a muffin with water ,Alexa picks a hamburger with coke and Alison picks salad with water and an apple

"It was good but my class is just so weird "

"Why do you say so"I say as we walk to the table outside

"I don't know they just so funny and weird " She says and Alexa and I just laugh at her


As we take our sits we find James,Mercia,Valery,Tracy,Tyler,Diamond and John chatting about they day so far

"Hey guys "I say as I take my sit "Some of you have meet or seem my cousin but let me propery introduce her to y'all"

"Yes please"James says smiling

I just roll my eyes at him and continue on

"Alison this is James,Valery,Mercia,John,Diamond,Tyler and Tracy ...guys this is my cousin Alison "I say pointing at each one while saying their names

"Hey nice to meet you all"Alison says while smiling and taking her sit

"Nice to meet you too "James says winking at her and at that same moment she starts blushing

"Don't mind my best friends cockiness ...Nice to meet you Alison"says John

"Oh it's cool and nice to meet you too"she says shacking his hand

"Okay enough now guys we can we just eat I'm starving "Tracy says

"Lol okay "Mercia and I say

"I need to quickly change my books from my locker "Says Diamond

"I'll join you"Says John while standing up and they both leave


As I'm walking to my locker someone calls my name

"Amanda"says the voice

As I turn around I regret

"What do you want James"I say harshly

"Just hear me out"He says coming closer from where he was shouting from

"Yeah I'm listening "I say as I change my books from my locker

"Uhm it's about...Alison"He says slowly

"Uh never mind I don't want to hear how you want to sleep with my cousin"I say closing Kyocera and trying to walk away but he pulls me back

"No wait please hear me out first before you judge"Je says in an innocent manner

"Okay talk then you don't have much time "I say

"Okay--Uhm--hear it goes --" He says very slowly and I roll my eyes. "I like Alison not in a nasty I wanna lay her way but a I think she's the one way .I mean first I thought it was crazy but I really do but I wanna get to know her first then I'll see from there and I need you advice Please Amanda Please"he begs

"Okay what do you need"

"I just need your approval because if I plan a date and shit like that I will need your help"he says

"Okay you got it and I will help you but under 1 condition "I say holding 1 finger out

"Yeah anything"he say quickly

"Cheat on her and I'll cut your balls of and feed them to you for breakfast..I promise"I say very harshly

"Okay wow I never thought you were that violent ..,Condition accepted"he says with wide eyes

"Good now fuck off I need to go to class"

And with that he smiles and leaves


I was waiting for Tracy and Alison when two warm arms wrap around my waist and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek

"Wifey I've missed you!"The voice says and as I turn around I see Ryan my pretend Hubby we not really dating but there is a spark that no one wants to admit

"Hubby!" I say hugging him from the front properly

"Yeah you missed me"

"Of course I did who wouldn't " I say blushing

"I missed you too"He says smiling "And I missed your beautiful smile and that beautiful blush" He says touching my cheek

"Ugg stop it before it becomes worse " I say looking on the floor

As I look on the floor Tracy and Alison come by and stop at my feet

"Who's making so much noise I'm guessing it's Wifey and Hubby" Tracy says

I look up and Tracy and Ryan hug

"Oh Uhm Ryan this is my cousin Alison and Alison this is the famous Hubby"I say pointing at them

"Oh is this the one James has been bragging about"Ryan says with wide eyes

"Yeah this is the one"I say smiling and Alison looks confused

"Wait--what he talks about me in the span of 1 day of knowing me"She says semi shouting

"Yeah you famous already"he says holding my hand and I blush more

"Okay anyways so your the guy that has my cousin day dreaming all the time"

I slap Alison's arm and say "No I dont"

"No that's actually cute" Ryan says kissing my cheek

"okay and thats our que to leave " Tracy says dragging Alison with her


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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