Chapter 2 - Jiuming and Haiqi

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"In the real world they call it parenting."

"I wanna go to Mana One with you. I want to dive the trench." Meying says going up to the window to watch Haiqi. Jonas and you share a look before walks up beside her.

"No, I'm sorry, Meying." He says.

"Why not? Mom was diving all the time my age." She tells him and sits down on the hanging chair.

"Not to 25 thousand feet." You say from your seat on the couch. You're sitting with the book you were reading just before they both had come into the room.

"Are you saying it's too dangerous?" She asks looking toward you and then back up at Jonas.

"Too dangerous for you. But not dangerous." He answers.

"In psychology they call that 'cognitive dissonance'" She says spinning in her chair.

"In the real world they call it parenting." Jonas says.

"You need to take me seriously as a scientist."

"You're 14."

"Exactly. I know every system on Mana One, every dive protocol, and every animal we have seen down there." She says and Jonas sighs. He looks at you and you give him a reassuring smile, letting him decide.

"Okay look, you can come to Mana One, to observe the dive. And thats it." He tells her and look back at you for any disagreement, but sees you nodding your head while still looking down at the book your book.

Just then someone knocks, but before you can go open it they open to reveal Rigas. (You will probably take a lot of her place in the movie but she's still a character in the movie)

"Jiuming is swimming with the meg." She tells you and you whip your head to Jonas who looks to your the same time before sprinting out the door, with you and Meying running right after him.

"Haiqi's vitals are elevated. Be careful, she's definitely aware of you." Hilary tells Jiuming through the coms as you walk in through the door behind Jonas and Meying. Jonas walks up and takes the radio from her, we walk up to the window.

"Why are you swimming with the meg, Jiuming?" He ask him through the radio com.

"I'm conducting an experiment." He answers

"Is the experiment: Do i taste good?" He asks and Meying takes the radio from her.

She exclaims in Chinese to her uncle.

"It's okay." He tells her. "I've been training Haiqi since she was a pup." He says and Jonas takes the radio back.

"A meg is not trainable, Jiuming." He tells him. "If you wanna be eaten in front of your niece, then go ahead." He says sarcastically.

"Fifty bucks says this is gonna end badly." Rigas says from behind you and you turn to her with raised eyebrows.

"I'll take that action." Lance says and you scoff in disbelief. Rigas grins and you shake your head. You walk to stand beside Mac as you look at the screens.

"I'm all in fro team shark." Jess snickers.

"What? You can't bet on a shark man, that is bad karma." Dj says.

"Come on guys, let's focus. It's not cool." Mac says. And you nod and turn to give Rigas small glare, she looks down in guilt and you turn back to watch Jiuming.

"Jiuming. I'd like to respectfully suggest that this is truly a terrible idea. Megs and humanity were never meant to mix." Jonas tells him.

"Haiqi and I have a special bond." Jiuming tells him. "Watch this." He turns around. "One click to come, two clicks to go." He clicks one time. And you watch it the window intently as you wait.

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