Confused | Yello x ?

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Hi!! :DD

Warning!:  angst, kink? 


He is always messing with me, Yello thought as he was walking by a calm lake to find peace.

The wind was calm just like the water.

"Frick, you told me you wanted me," Yello said into the somehow cold summer air. He didn't care if anyone saw him talking to himself.

They would think he was crazy. Well, that's also how I feel, Yello thought back at them. Yello glanced at the shining sun and the clear sky. He felt so cold.

I fall in love too easily, Yello thought as he sped up his walking. You gave me your heart and I gave mine to you... Then you just walk away, stealing my heart and taking your own with you again.

Sometimes I love you... Sometimes I hate you.

Maybe I never had you. Maybe I never had your heart. Maybe you were never mine.

"Tell me..." Yello said as he found an empty bench to sit on. He stared out into the lake. A few swans and ducks swam around. Different birds flew around trying to pick up crumbs of bread people had dropped for them. "Tell me... Why can't I just let you go? Why can't you let me go? Why are you keeping my heart? Just let me free."

He has helped me. Helped me so many times. Why can't he help me with this?

He has broken down my walls so I could start talking to people again. He showed me some good people. He showed me the positives of this world.

Why do I still love you even after you left me heartbroken? Why do I?

I'm so confused. I love the way you leave me. Love the way I can finally breathe when you are gone...

But at the same time, I love the way you touch me. The way we move at night.

Why do I love that? Why do I love it when I know you are gone in the morning?

Why do I love your touch but never love the feeling? The feeling of betrayal as I know you are gone when I wake up.

"There's no way that you don't know I'm all yours," Yello mumbled while watching two swans forming a heart. "Cliché." Yello rolled his eyes at the sight and looked in another direction.

His eyes slowly found them again when they started to make small happy snorts.

Then his gaze drifted to a couple holding their child in both hands.

The child laughed and smiled. Jumped even. The sun's rays of sunlight lighted the family. Yello guessed the child was only four years old.

Four years... that's how long I've known him. And I'm so deeply in love with him.

Why do I love him so much!? Yello thought with desperation in his eyes.

Even after I saw you hold and kiss someone else, I'm still in love! I've fallen so deep.

Then, when I ask you who the other is you pretend to be drunk. You pretend you can't hear me, understand me, that you can't talk. You're slurring your words even though I just saw you talking with someone.

Why do I still love you after knowing how much you are lying to me?

After slurring all your words to me you take me away into another hot night of pleasure. Then when I hold you tight, trying to keep you till I wake up, you seem so distant.

When it's morning and I feel your fingertips drifting away from my warm body all my veins turn to ice.

It's so confusing... because I know you are going to leave me. Again. And yet somehow... I am fricking love how much it hurts.

Words: 601

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