Chapter Eight

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Daybreak bled into morning, then noon, and still no sign of Riet. The gnawing anticipation sent Lyra pacing the Archives, her steps echoing through the cavernous silence. She'd agreed to go, to step outside the cloistered confines of End and embrace whatever destiny awaited. The decision hung heavy in the air, a tangible echo of Olivia's departure three years prior.

The thought of Olivia, mentor and surrogate mother, brought a pang of bittersweet nostalgia. Lyra missed her dearly, the void of her absence deeper than the unknown lineage that haunted her dreams. Olivia was real, tangible, a warm presence in the cold embrace of solitude. Those who might have been her blood were mere whispers, figments of a past she could never claim.

A smile played on Lyra's lips as she envisioned Olivia navigating the bustle of the Capital. The image of the studious scholar, freed from the drudgery of work, gleefully wreaking havoc on some dusty bookshop was comical yet comforting. But the present nudged her back. She sat at the dining table, the tiny Key lying before her, a catalyst for chaos disguised in unassuming metal. It pulsed subtly, as if responding to the turmoil in her mind, urging her to grasp its potential.

Lyra's fingers drummed a restless tattoo on the worn wood of the table, her mind fixated on the Key. The memory of yesterday's magic, a simple yet potent pulse of power as she felt the river's flow, brought a wave of unexpected comfort. It was a strange sensation, a flicker of warmth amidst the churning anxiety of waiting for Riet. Why not practice, she thought, a rebellious spark igniting in her eyes. Waiting for the enigmatic Magi was a recipe for frayed nerves, and perhaps, she reasoned, a touch of magic could ease the tension.

With brisk resolve, she retrieved a glass of water, setting it on the table. Her fingers itched for the Key's cool metal, the promise of power a siren song in the quiet of the Archives. Taking a deep breath, she grasped it, bracing for the familiar thrum.

This time, it was a tidal wave. The magic surged through her, an electric current that stole her breath and sent her mind reeling. The Key, sensing her raw emotions, seized the opportunity, its power a hungry beast seeking dominion. Sunspots danced before Lyra's eyes, the room tilting on its axis. The power felt all-consuming, a storm threatening to swallow her whole.

But within the chaos, a flicker of defiance. Lyra, though quiet, was not easily swayed. She gritted her teeth, channeling every ounce of her will into a silent battle for control. It was a desperate struggle, like clawing for air against a relentless tide. Slowly, painstakingly, she pushed back, forcing the magic to recede.

The power relented, leaving behind a gasping silence. Lyra slumped back, her vision blurred, her heart hammering against her ribs. She looked at the glass of water, its surface now shimmering with faintly glowing runes. A testament to her victory, a whispered echo of the power she now wielded.

A smile curved Lyra's lips as she gazed at the runes shimmering in the water. They held a mesmerizing beauty, their intricate patterns resembling the shifting symbols and whispers of lost languages that filled the Archives. Were they, like the ancient transcripts she deciphered, trying to convey some hidden message?

She wandered closer, mesmerized by the runes' dance. Unlike the fleeting whispers she glimpsed in the river's flow, these were still, like constellations frozen in time. Yet, they pulsed with a faint, rhythmic glow, like fireflies trapped within the glass.

Nose pressed against the cool surface, Lyra searched for meaning in their enigmatic flicker. Were they secrets waiting to be unveiled, or mere echoes of the Key's own chaotic magic? Her fingers traced the rim of the glass, her mind yearning to unravel the mysteries etched within.

Lyra's eyes traced the runes, searching for meaning in their fluid dance. Minutes bled into an eternity, punctuated only by the rasp of her own breath. Frustration coiled in her gut, and with a huff, she dipped a trembling finger into the tepid water.

Four Keys to Erasmuth: Lyra OkenasWhere stories live. Discover now