Chapter 1: Disappear

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A|N: Alright hello! Welcome to my new story. I've been planning this story for a very, very long time now, and I finally decided to post the first chapter! I hope you enjoy this new, and different story!


Shinwa is a special ability that 30% of the world's population is born with through the process of natural selection. They are know as Shinwa Users, homo-superiors, and nobles. Shinwa Users are people who have a mythical creature bonded with their soul.

Though most people are born as regular humans, and that 70% of the world's population are normal humans, Shinwa Users hold much more power in the world. Shinwa Users are treated as if they were superior to regular humans, homo-sapiens.

In the past, where they were hunted and killed like animals, the Shinwa Users had to hide and stand down to the regular humans, believing as if they were freaks to the world. But, a young man stood up and rose to the top in the government without anyone knowing what he was.

When he was at the top, he passed a law that Shinwa Users are to no longer be hunted and killed like animals, but they are to be treated with respect and as if they are your superiors. He made others believe that Shinwa Users are God's gift to the world.

Since then, Shinwa Users live the life of paradise like nobles. But since then, regular humans live their lives as lower class citizens.


<#Kazuki's P.O.V#>


I heard a voice call after me, but multiple footsteps. I grit my teeth, holding my breath, as I stopped right in my tracks. A group of guys, 4 or 5 of them, around my age began to surround me in a circle and stared down at me, as if I was nothing but a sack of dirt.

"You must be fucking crazy." A taller, and buffer guy said. He began to crack his knuckles as I slowly let my breath out.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said, as calmly and peacefully as I could.

I didn't really plan on walking home with bruises... again.

"What? Are you calling me an idiot?!" He yelled, taking a step closer towards me. "You think I don't know?" He grabbed the collar of my uniform and lifted me up a bit. I kept a straight face as his aggravated one stared down on me.

"You were flirting with my girlfriend during homeroom, and my buddy, Sawasaki-kun, saw you."

I thought back at homeroom...

Oh, that's right...

Watanabe-san came up to me during homeroom and asked to eat lunch with me. But, like to every other girl, I denied her offer, but she kept clinging onto me.

I let out a sigh. "You should break up with her then. She's a terrible girlfriend if she flirts with other men when she's dating you."

His eye twitched angrily, which slightly disturbed me.

"You must think that you're the greatest..." He said, pushing me against the school building. "Well you're not, alright, shit face?" He cussed. The others began to cuss at me with him.

"Yeah! You're a failure of a Shinwa user!"

"You're a regular human!"

"You have no right to act like you're better than us!"

"You're not special!"

I looked away, trying to avoid eye contact with any of them. But... I can't help but think that it's true. My parents were both Shinwa users, but I, their only son, can't seem to activate my Shinwa abilities, no matter how hard I try. I mean, I do have the ability to see people's dreams, wishes, and desires just by touching them, but even my father, a very intelligent man, has never lectured me about a Shinwa like that.

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