We're All Burning (Contest)

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{We're all burning}

Pyrophobia [pahy-r uh - foh-bee- uh]


An abnormal fear of fire.

Eden's mother has died in a tragic fire. She struggles to make ends

meet for her and her sister, Brooke. She must hold two jobs-one at a diner and one at a motel-to make sure that they are safe from the clutches of debt.

Pyromania [pahy-r uh - mey-nee- uh]


An obsessive desire to light things on fire.

Josiah's fascination with fire prohibits him from holding a job, but a family friend decides to help him out by giving him the position of a cook at his diner.

Love [luhv]


A flame that must be kindled to prevent it from dying out.

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