Chapter 1

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This is the longest flight I've ever been on. We were currently travelling from Jeddah to America on an 18-hour flight. It's funny how I took my time in Saudi Arabia for granted because I thought that I'd always stay close to Makkah and Medina, but I guess you value things more when they are taken from you. One job transfer letter is changing our lives, and I pray to Allah it's for the good.

"Do you want to have my leftover rice," Dad said from beside me on the plane.

"No," I replied.

"Sawda, you haven't eaten anything since the morning; you're going to fall sick," Dad said sternly.

"I'll eat when we land at the airport," I pleaded with him, giving him my best innocent expression.

"God, this girl." Dad sighed.

My dad has a thing for food; he believes in feeding people, irrespective of whether the person he's offering it to has already eaten. He takes special offence when somebody declines his ' request' to try the food he presents to them; he's special like that.


"Jawed, those look like our luggage," Mom said. Dad hurried to get our luggage.

"Alhamdulillah, it didn't take too long to search for our luggage," I told Mom. We took our luggage and moved towards the exit to wait for my Salim uncle to pick us up.

We spotted him the moment we stepped outside the gates.

He hurried towards us and engulfed my dad in a bear hug.

"Assalamualaikum, bhai, how are you? It's been years since I last saw you!" Salim uncle exclaimed.

"It's been 10 years since we last met in person," Dad said feeling nostalgic.

They hugged for a long time.

Mom felt emotional looking at their reunion because she knew how much Dad loved his family.

"SAWDAAA!" someone shouted.

I turned around only to be tackled by two bodies who were none other than my cousins, Samia and Zahra. We were each other's lifelines; it was impossible to separate us.

I hugged them back with all I had. God, I missed them.

And we started chatting about everything we could now that we were in person and there was no screen separating us.

Our parents were laughing at us.

"Assalamualaikum, Sawda," a deep voice followed by a sweet feminine voice said, once again surprising me.

I turned around to come face-to-face with my cousin brother Yusuf and his wife Amina; the former was the eldest of our bunch and the first one to get married. They were a match made in heaven; they were perfect for each other. I think the only one who could handle Yusuf Bhai was Amina Bhabhi.

"Waalaikumassalam," I replied cheerfully to them both.

And I hugged Amina Bhabhi.

"How are you guys?" I questioned

"We were good, but after your arrival, we are better." Amina Bhabhi replied mischievously.

"Get in Yusuf's car; you guys can keep talking when you reach home." Salim's uncle shouted from the driver's seat. Dad was in the passenger seat. Mom occupied the back seat, and surrounding her was our luggage. How were they able to move so quickly God knows.

We got into Yusuf Bhai's car and followed Salim uncle back home.


"So, are you happy?" I questioned Samia.

Zehra and I were sitting in Samia's room after dinner when she told me about her marriage proposal, which was a surprise to me because I was out of the loop. It seems that Salim's uncle's boss, Mr. Ahmed Jamal, who by the way is on the Forbes 30 under 30 list, which is supposedly a big deal in the business industry, has taken a liking to her, and surprise, surprise, so has Saima.

"Yeah," Saima said shyly.

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you," I said excitedly.

"If only his much hotter and younger brother would like me," Zehra sighed dreamily.

"You say it like he's 60 or something; he's just 29," Saima defended.

"Exactly! You are 21." Zehra exclaimed.

"Bilal is 25; there is an age gap of 5 years between you guys; is that less?" Saima said haughtily.

"Obviously," Zehra rolled her eyes.

"I mean, I get the appeal older men are more attractive than younger men," I said, siding with Saima.

I dodged a pillow that Zehra threw at my face.

"Et tu, Brute! You are supposed to be on my side; we are the same age," Zehra exclaimed dramatically.

I chuckled at her dramatics.

"It's not about the age; it's just personal preference," I shrugged.

"You freaks!" Zahra said, scowling at us.

We laughed at her reaction.

I think I could get used to this.

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