Chapter Eight

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CALEB'S EYES fluttered open, and he was immediately aware of two things: first, that he was no longer in his own bed, and second, that the room around him was unfamiliar. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

The room was small and sparsely furnished, with a single bed and a desk pushed up against the wall. Sunlight streamed through the blinds, casting stripes of light across the floor. Caleb rubbed his eyes again, thinking he must still be dreaming, but as he looked around, he realized that he wasn't.

He was in someone else's house.

But most importantly, he was no longer in his own reality.

As Caleb looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings, a sense of disorientation and confusion washed over him. He had gone to sleep in his own room, in his own house, and had woken up here – in a stranger's bedroom.

It was impossible. It couldn't be real. And yet, as Caleb looked around, he couldn't deny the evidence of his senses. Everything looked and felt real, from the worn carpet under his feet to the faint smell of coffee coming from somewhere in the house.

He had to be dreaming, or hallucinating, or...


Caleb felt a chill run down his spine as the realization hit him.

He wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. He finally had gotten into Teen Wolf where his sister had been.

Caleb made his way down the stairs, his footsteps echoing through the quiet house. As he reached the bottom, he saw a man in the kitchen, dressed in a police uniform and sipping a cup of coffee.

The man turned and saw Caleb standing in the doorway. He froze, his wise widening in surprise, with one hand attached to his holster.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked, his voice portraying his shock and confusion.

Caleb froze too. He hadn't expected to encounter anyone in the house, and he certainly hadn't expected to be caught red-handed like this.

"I...I'm sorry," he stammered. "I didn't mean to intrude. I'm Caleb Parker. I just woke up here and I..."

He trailed off, not sure what to say next. The man - Stilinski, as Caleb now realized - regarded him with a mixture of suspicion and concern.

"Are you one of Stiles's friends from school? I didn't know he was having anyone over." Stilinski's expression softened slightly, but his tone remained cautious.

"I don't think I've seen you around before," he said. "I'm Stilinski, by the way. Sheriff Stilisnki."

Caleb nodded, still feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"No, Sheriff," he said. "I'm not one of your son's friends, exactly. I'm his friend's brother, actually. And I don't know how I got here. I woke up in his room upstairs..."

He trailed off again, feeling the ridiculousness of his own words. How could he possibly explain what had happened to him? If Stiles had already told his dad about Alex, then maybe, just maybe, he would believe Caleb. But, there's a chance

Stiles hasn't said anything about Alex.
Stilinski seemed to sense Caleb's discomfort. He leaned his back against the kitchen counter, his eyes scanning Caleb up and down.

"Well, I can certainly tell you're not from around here," he said. "But I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'woke up in my son's room'. Can you tell me more about what happened?"

Caleb cleared his throat and took a seat at their kitchen table, he rubbed his hands over his face trying to get rid of the frustration. "Has anyone come by with the name Alex Parker? That's the friend's brother I'm talking about."

Stilinski shook his head. "No. The only Alex I know that Stiles is friends with is Alex Hale. She just moved here a few days ago, he said."

Caleb frowned. So Alex was already here, and she had somehow made contact with Stiles. But why hadn't she tried to find him?

"Well," Caleb said. "I think my sister - Alex Parker, might have come here, too. I think she might be with Stiles right now, in fact. I'd really like to find her."

Stilinski's expression was thoughtful. "I see. Well, I can't say for sure whether or not your sister is here. But if she is, then Stiles would probably know about it. He's a good kid, and he wouldn't keep something like that from me."

He reached for his phone and dialed Stile's number.

"Stiles? It's your dad. Listen, I've got someone here who says he's looking for his sister. Her name is Alex Parker, might be Alex Hale? Do you know anything about her?"

Stilinski listened intently to whatever Stiles was saying on the other end of the phone, his brow furrowing slightly.

"Oh okay," he said finally. "That's unexpected. But I'm glad to hear she's safe. Listen, I've got her brother here with me who is pretty confused and worried. Would it be alright if I brought him over to see her?"

He listened for a moment longer, then nodded.

"Okay, good. I'll bring him right over."

He hung up the phone and looked at Caleb.

"It seems your sister is with Stiles, after all," he said. "I'll drop you off at Scott's place. He says they can explain everything when you get there."

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