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Wishing u all a very happy new year ❤️✨ (aab saal happy hoga yaa nhi uski guarantee nhi hai meri)



Mallik Residence

Haseena's POV

Ohhh shit my neck and head.....Is they both together today vowed to give me an unnecessary pain today??? doesn't Allah allow some mercy on me anyday...I think no.... yesterday I don't know when I slept while sitting on couch in balcony gazing at moon....while doing my favourite work I slept yesterday

Yes....moon gazing is the only source I get to relax my mind other than Aunt Clara.... earlier being a kiddo I wanna have a glass walls all over my room so that I could see the moon 24/7....yes because I always think that moon is always their in sky and I couldn't watch it due to my opaque house roof and thinks the poor people who sleeps under open sky are the most luckiest as they could see the moon 24/7...huhh stupid me

'well that's the reason ur heart pains 24/7' Ouchh this hurt again as My broken heart mocked me

I somehow completed with my morning business....then did my morning prayers.... earlier I was a very much religious person and not a single mosque was left from my visit....even I went to many famous temples, gurudwaras and churches....but after that thing happened....I lost all my trust in God....in faith....for me now I m done with the gods....at the first place I don't believe them now of their existence....but when Aunt Clara got to know this....she scolded me.... ofcourse blackmailed me too....so as to obedient to her, not daily but some times I offer prayers but never wished about anything

But today is different....I wished the safety of my aunt Clara....I wish this time god would definitely show some mercy on this orphan....one last time

I went down....I was a little bit hungry today....as I didn't eat anything after yesterday's breakfast....if Aunt Clara would be here then right now I must have been in a hospital as she would definitely not leave me

I settled myself on breakfast table and a servant served me....if I was 'Haseena' then I would tell her to join me too and give me a entertaining company but 'The Haseena Mallik ' would never do that.... ofcourse my ego wins

I was about to take first bite inside my mouth but this bloody phone rang...that too with the most worst number....I would have kill this person right away but Aunt Clara.......ahhhh

You all must have guessed the number...so to those who didn't.... it's Sameer's call

I picked up the call...I don't want anything mishaps with Aunt Clara

It was a video call....I thought he would show me his disgusting face in the morning itself...I order all the servants to leave the place and leave me alone and they without defying my orders, immediately empty the place...and I felt that as of I was somewhere in a haunted place

I picked up the call but to my suprise it was aunt Clara

She was tied up on the same chair as I saw her that day...Her eyes showed helplessness but more than that a sort of anger

TOGETHER BUT WHY???- SEASON~2Where stories live. Discover now