16~ Why Is It So Complicated

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Author's POV

He walked inside the office, his face adorned with utter seriousness while his aura radiated dominance of darkness shaded with the shadow of nightmares.

Some employees were shocked seeing him for the first time and some gulped knowing the burden came with his presence.

He kept his feet in this office after five years and it truly stunned the people working there.

"Good morning Sir."

"Good Morning Sir," They greeted back to back but he didn't even acknowledge their presence and walked with a straight face.

Few new girl employees drooled over his handsome sight but the old one trembled knowing the demon hiding behind that calm facade.

He took the elevator and patiently waited for his office floor to come and after fifteen minutes lift opened.

He stepped out and saw Akhil was already waiting outside while Justin too was standing in front of him.

He removed his blazer and threw it at Justin and signed something with his finger's before walking inside, just to see a man sitting in front of his office chair.

A smirk came on his lips and he greeted, "Hello Sale Sahab."

Kaustubh lifted his eyes to look at the man who came and took a sit in front of him with a mocking smirk adorning his lips.

He didn't fail to see a bruised cut on his lips, and he understood how he would have got it.

"So now your mind is at the right place?" Ardhansh asked with a chuckle and pushed an agreement in front of him.

Kaustubh didn't pay any attention to his words and signed the papers before handing them back.

"I don't want to trust you fucker," Kaustubh mumbled and leaned on his chair.

"Like you have the option?" Ardhansh Rolled his eyes with arrogance and stared at his face with a mocking smile.

"I am going to give back that beating to you, you fucking bastard, I am feeling like my jaw is dislocated."

"Will wait," He chuckled and checked those papers, scanning all signs.

"Don't worry I won't cheat!!" Kaustubh snarled and got up before walking towards the door.

He stopped and said without turning back, "Once everything is finished You will divorce my sister and leave her."

Ardhansh lifted his eyes from those papers and replied with a smile, "She is Fucking Mine, Trivedi, And for fuck sake get inside your empty head that there is no way I would leave her not even at the last moment of my life, I wish I would die first so I wouldn't have to see her going away from me, and if it didn't happen I will end myself."

Kaustubh heard his words and muttered, "I couldn't believe I ever used to be friends with a mentally disabled person like you."

"Don't worry I am happier with this new relationship Sale Sahab."

Kaustubh rolled his eyes and suggested, "Just Fuck with your baseless relations."

"I have my wife to fuck Why would I fuck with relations and come on She is too hot to avert the stares from her."

Kaustubh felt his anger getting at its peak and decided to move out not wanting to lose his temper and create a mess, he would not be able to afford.

"Tell My wife I will come to pick her up by evening," Ardhansh informed with a sly smirk and Kaustubh tried hard not to hear his annoying words.

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