Important Backstory

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A little background

You are the daughter of Jasper y/l/n. Your dad was John Winchester's best friend since elementary school. Audrey (your mother) and Mary have grown up with each other since birth. Sam and Dean are your best friends in the entire world Sam feels more like your younger brother. Dean tho you have always had a crush on and Sam knows it. Dean tho is utterly oblivious to this fact. You are entirely oblivious to the fact that your feelings are returned to you by Dean. Your name is Ivy although you have a few nicknames you will see in the story I won't ruin them for you.

You are 24

Sam is 20

Dean is 25

( I know this is off from what the show is but you know)

[ Lawrence Kansas 20 years ago] (you are 4)

You and your dad are at the Winchesters' house, which is right next door to your own home, your mom is home picking up after a long day so she can go to sleep. You and Dean are snuggled up on the couch watching Toy Story you and Dean's favorite movie at the moment it changes weekly. While John and Jasper are sharing a drink or 2.

"Im laying Sam down for the night if anyone wants to say good night to him" Mary yells down the stairs.

Dean rushes up the stairs to tell his brother good night.

"Good night Sam" Dean says to his brother.

He then turns around after hugging his mother then turns and runs back down the stairs and jumps back under the blanket you and Dean were sharing before he runs off.

"Good night my love," Mary says leaning down to kiss Sam's forehead.

Mary makes her way back down the stairs and joins you and Dean on the couch.

"Toy Story again huh," Mary asks.

" I love this movie" Dean shouts.

" me too, I watched it with Mommy today," you say.

After the movie is over Mary looks down at you and Dean to see you both fallen asleep. She gets John and Jaspers's attention. When they look over they see you had fallen asleep on Dean's shoulder Jasper smiles.

"I guess I should take her home"

"Oh just leave her here no sense in waking her up," John says

"I don't know John"

"it's up to you but she would be fine here"

"All alright but if she wakes up and needs anything you let me know"

"right, Japser," John and Mary say at the same time.

"I'm not kidding that little girl is my whole world and Audrey's whole heart"

"I will and if I need to I will run her over to you, you live right there buddy"

John smiles and points to the neighboring house.

" thank you" your dad replies.

Jasper walks out and Mary heads up the stairs

" you coming John?" Mary asks

"I will I'm just going to turn off everything maybe stay down here with these two," he says moving towards you and Dean's spot on the couch.

"They are cute aren't they," Mary says looking down at you and Dean smiling to herself like she knows a secret that no one else knows.

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