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This has got to be a joke. Right? There is no way to put those two together in a scenario like that. " Look I don't really know what's going on here but you're not being funny. Is this a setup or something?" One of the officers looks at the rest as if trying to ask if it's ok to speak. "I know it's a bit unexpected and sudden. We're trying to do the best we can to figure it out ourselves, but we need your help to fill in some blanks. Can you follow us to the station?" I hesitate for what seems like an hour until I finally nod for the ok. With that I'm escorted out of the building into one of the police cars.

Walking out with the cops surrounding me kind of made it look like I did something I wasn't supposed to, gaining the attention of visitors and late kids. Mind your business, people. I had nothing to worry about though, because I didn't do anything wrong, Gavin didn't do anything wrong, Ash is probably somewhere being stupid but nothing happened to him. The idiot acts like he doesn't have people to report to. The nerve of this guy. This is all just a weird dream or a wrong place, wrong time kind of situation. What a great least now I don't have to go back to class. The four cops split into pairs with one guiding me towards their car, while the other two go to theirs.

On the way to the police station, the two cops in the front seats have been keeping the chit chat to a minimum. This is really frustrating me. I look down at my phone to read over Henry and I's texts.

Me: Dude... you would not believe where I'm at rn

Henry: Are you taking a shit? Or are you just gonna completely skip and hide out? Can I join?

Me: *sends picture of me in the cop car*




Me: Apparently something went down btwn Ash and Gavin, stupid cops aren't telling me jack tho :-/

Henry: ????

Henry: How does that make sense??

Henry: I'm so confused rn

Henry: U ok tho?

I take a deep breath and look up from my phone to see one of the cops eyeing me. "You know you shouldn't really be using your phone, right? We would have to take it in as evidence in case you're in communication with either suspect." Wait...what? "I'm sorry you said suspects? As in... both of them? I thought it was only one of them?" The cops share a quick glance between each other and the one driving says, "Look we can't explain anything right now, but you have to trust us. We can NOT speak about this situation outside of the location where we're going. Understood?" You've got to be kidding me. " Location? What location? Why are y'all doing this? I'm going to need you guys to start explaining because the more you open your mouth, the less you guys make sense." One of them says, "Just trust us please." I let a little giggle out. "Dude. Have you seen what y'all are doing nowadays? Not to mention in the public eye?! I think we're a bit too far from trust now, don't you think? For Christ's sake, YOU HAVE AN UNDERAGE MEXICAN IN THE BACK OF YOUR CAR WHOM YOURE TAKING TO GOD KNOWS WHERE TO DO GOD KNOWS WHAT." I spit out. This frustration is really getting to me now. They both go wide eyed in realization of the situation we're in. As if saying "she's not wrong". Damn right I'm not. "So, I'm going to ask this one more time before giving you a legal reason to arrest me, if you're even real cops to begin with. What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On??" The cop in the passenger seat slightly turns around as if to see what the damage control is, and by the look on his face, I was doing a damn good job at damage.

"Ok listen. We're not saying anything right now, but you will find out soon. Please just cooperate. We aren't going to do anything to you, as a matter of fact, you can hold it against us. I don't know about him, but I promise I won't try anything, and I will let you know everything I know." "Yeah, same. We aren't playing around or anything. This is a serious situation." Well, that's reassuring. Not. "I know this isn't my line, but let me see your ID. Both of you. If you want me to trust you guys, I at least need some information on both of you." The passenger princess reached in his pocket and takes out his wallet, pulling out his ID and placing it against the clear plexiglass that is placed between us. The driver cop points to the center console. His partner reaches for it and does the same as he did with his own. I ask, "Can I take a picture?" They both mumble a yes and with that I save it to my gallery.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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