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21 year old. Is a College student majoring in literature.

Loves reading books and getting indulged into the fictional world.

Sweet in nature and loves to create friends but because of her introverted and shy nature, she has only two friends.

Is waiting for her own fictional man and is a hopeless romantic.

• Is waiting for her own fictional man and is a hopeless romantic

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22 year old, is a college student majoring in Physics.

One of  Trisha's friend. In precise he is her bestfriend. Is secretly in love with her.

Is really sweet in nature. Gets really protective when it comes to Trisha.
Loves photography.

Supports Trisha in everything. Even though he himself dislikes reading books can spend hours in library for her.


(18th Century, Characters of a fictional book. )


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•  25 year old, King of that time rulling in Awangarh.

•  The most feared King that the Raghuvanshi's could ever have.

Doesn't believes in God.

Is cruel, arrogant and fierce like a lion. His name alone could make people go on their knees.

 His name alone could make people go on their knees

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22 year old, daughter of a priest.

Awangarh knows her as the floral girl because she keeps collecting flowers for worshipping and would wear floral ornaments.

Has a very simple life. Sweet, bubbly and cute.

Believes in her Lord Krishna a lot. She spends her days with her father praying.


These are the main characters. As you can understand well that they consist of characters of two different generations. Remember none of the characters, places and events mentioned in the story are real. They are strictly based on my imagination.
Also this book will have slow updates so stay tuned.

~Happy Reading (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

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