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"There you are." I make my way down the aisle between bookshelves. "You ready?"

"For what?" Grant asks, sliding a book in place.

"Studying. Duh."

He smiles. "You nailed the last test. I can help you prep for the next one, but we can dial back on the sessions for now. Unless you like being cooped up in the library all the time."

"I do like it," I counter. "But yeah, you have a point. You haven't become a French genius overnight, have you? I could do with a tutor on that front."

"Yeah? Tell me when you find one. I'm re-evaluating my life choices every time I open that textbook. I mean, French cooking? Did I think I was Julia Child when I applied here?"

"You wish you were Julia Child."

"Is it that obvious?" he quips. "I don't have the French down, but my Julia Child impression is unmatched."

I burst out laughing when he proceeds to spout the worst impression I've ever heard. A shush from the librarian makes me clap a hand to my mouth, and Grant grimaces, zipping his lips.

"That was truly something," I whisper.

"Why, thank you," he whispers back, tipping an imaginary hat.

Ashton was wrong about Grant. Kind of. He's not boring. At least, not as a friend. On our date, it's like the added pressure for something romantic killed the fun, but I do have fun with him. Which is why I'm dreading bringing up our date. If he's expecting another one, the friendliness might turn to awkwardness before it turns to nothing. I don't want him to be nothing.

"Grant, um, about our date," I start, watching him take a recipe book from the shelf. "I had a good time but-"

"You only see me as a friend," he completes. A soft smile overcomes him when I can't get the right words out. "It's okay, Summer. No hard feelings."

"Really? You don't hate me?"

I walk next to him as he makes a start through the shelves. "No way. Frankly, I felt it, too. We're good as friends. I don't want to ruin that."

"Me neither," I sigh in relief. "And with my dad and Mrs. Villa breathing down my neck, getting involved with anyone is probably the last thing I should be doing, anyway."

He slows to a stop, tapping his fingers on the book as he looks at me. "Does Ashton know that?"

The question takes me aback for a second, quickly followed by my heart jumping into my throat. I swallow it down just as quick. My reaction was minimal, but I'm almost positive Grant has developed telepathy. Briefly, but enough to see a peek of me leaving our date and going for a ride with Ashton.

Riding a whole lot more.

I put on the best clueless face I can muster. "Why should he know that?"

"Because I think he has some unresolved issues about you."

I turn, casually skimming over a row of books and picking one out. "Well, everyone knows he has issues with me."

"Not those kind. Us going on a date bothered him. A lot. And I wasn't sure why at first," he wonders behind me. "It's not like I really know him, but in class, I know he doesn't look out for anyone but himself, and I know you get on each other's nerves. So why would our date bother him? And then it hit me: because of the line."

"The line?"

"Between love and hate. It's thin and blurred, and he's walking that line, Summer. He cares about you a lot more than he lets on."

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