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I am getting ready for meeting my girlfriend. She wanted me to talk to my family about us, but how i am going to tell them that i love someone and want to marry her and that someone is none other then Dr. Aarohi Goenka. I can't even imagine their reaction. Okay but this can't be that bad, right. Means truth came out everyone got to know that Anisha had committed suicide and kairav was innocent. I am not able to believe that my sister Anisha birla can do such things, she had an affair with a married man even after that she wanted to marry Kairav. And her mother my taiji she hided the proof of kairav's innocence. If Aarohi had not shown that evidence to the police and family that day, Kairav ​​would have been punished without any mistake, his whole life would have been ruined.
I know my chhipkali is out of the world and She can do anything for those she loves. Most of the people misunderstand her because of her behavior but she is not like that, she is just like a coconut, hard from outside and soft from inside.At first I also felt that she is so selfish, rude, arrogant and emotionless, she doesn't understand anyone's feelings. But i was wrong when i found out that i am the illegitimate son of harsh birla, i was sad and angry at maa, she didn't tell me or harsh sir that i am his son. Everyone was making me understand that it was not maa's fault but no one was understanding me, my feelings what i was feeling after knowing that i lived my entire life in a lie. I have seen pity and sympathy for me in everyone's eyes but there was only aarohi who understood my feelings she made me understand maa's pov. That was the first time i got to know she is not emotionless that day i had seen my pain in her eyes like she was really feeling my pain, she do understand feelings of others. Yes she is a liitle rude and arrogant but definitely not selfish. When bhai had taken her license and he talked to her very rudely even after that she saved bhai by risking her life. As I spent time with her, I realized how nice she was and how bad I thought she was. At teej i realised my feelings for her but i didn't wanted to accept it at that time. When her license was getting cancled she looked at me with hope maybe i can do something i can't describe what i felt when her hopes died in her eyes with a drop of tear. I felt pain i wanted to hug her and console her i wanted to give her hope like she did when i needed it but i can't do ii. And that feeling was worst of all. That was the second time i had saw tears in her eyes first time in that mandin when nodady has trusted her i have seen her expectations are breaking with tears. The day when she had saved bhai i have seen her she was looking different her eyes were blank void of any emotion before that whenever i used to see her eyes they held hopes expectations and pride. But this time there was none. I didn't know but my feelings for her was growing day by day she was like a close book to me which i wanted to read which i wanted to understand. I wanted to see that hopes expectations pride again in her eyes but this time with love too. Then Anisha and kairav announced that they want to get married and everyone agree on this except aarohi but she didn't said anything when i asked her she said she thinks Anisha doesn't love kairav and she is going to hurt kairav badly. At that time i got very angry on her and a thought came to my mind how can i fall for her and why. After Anisha's death bha's hand surgery got done but with that akshra bhabhi left to Mauritius with kairav. We thought that she ran away with kairav for saving him. Then aaohi came to me for help or i can say she ordered me for help her in finding akshra bhabhi and kairav. And i said yes there are two reasons for that first. I wanted to see my bhai happy again. And second. I was missing my chhipkali. I really love to tease her and missed ot in that mean time. We had searched for bhabhi for 2 months continuously but didn't able found her so we came to a conclusion that she will come whenever she wants too. But in that two months We both became very close to each other. I used share my feelings with her from the day whdn she told me that i can share anything from her. I don't know why but i trusted her maybe more then my family i have shared those things with her which i have never share with bhai and maa. But in that 2 months she also started opening up with me. I dont know ahe loved or not like i does but she trust me enough for leeting me in in her personal space. Mahima taiji told her to do spy on her own family for her and she will give her license back and she agreed. She told me that she will do it like professor snape from harry potter and maybe it will help us in the finding akshra bhabhi and kairav but that also didn't work. One day when we are in her home, yeh her home she had rented it when she was in collage but now that is our house. She named her house as Shanti spot. We both have house and family but that place feels like home. We have spent hours under stars in the balcony without uttering a word. And one day when we were talking on a random topic i confessed by mistake her eyes got widden then i thought to do it and i told her my feeling for her. I thought she will beat the hell out of me but the thing she done was unexpected. she ran away from there without uttering a single word she ran away and she avoided me for 2 weeks. I thought she didn't love me and i have lost my best friend too. I cried a lot that day. But next day she again did something which I have never expected from her. She prapose me on her knees can you imagine the Aarohi goenka praposed me then how can i say no. I said yes and we hugged. That was the best day of my life. On the first day of Navratri we go on our first date she was wearing a pink saree with light pink lipstick she had done her hair straight and she didn't applied her regular kajal instead of it their was a liner on her eyes she was looking beautiful cute and she was looking very different from other days. No its not like she didn't look beautiful other days she looks really beautiful. But her looks always create an aura of boldness and confidence around her but her that look she was lookin cute and innocent like some fairy or swarg ki apsra iwas completely mesmerized by her beauty. After our dinner date we went to a park  i kissed her by mistake but she kissed me back an it became a passionate kiss from mistaken one. One more best day of my life.After that day my whole year went like this. Last year was best year of my life. I have found the love of my life my chhipkali. I love her from all my heart.

So this was the first chapter
How was that
Should I continue this or not???

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