Chapter 3 - Mana One

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"I did all kinds of stupid things when i was 14. And so did you Y/N. And look how we turned out."

Next day... Helicopter

"Ground crew, we're approaching Mana One." You announce into the headset. You sit in the pilot seat with Rigas beside you. Meying, Jonas and Mac behind you.

"Hey Y/N. Good to have you back." They answer from Mana One.

"Good to be back." You answer them.

"Are you ready to do some diving." They asks you and you smile.

"You know it. I was born ready." You joke and turn to make eye contact with Jonas who rolls his eyes but can't stop the smile as he looks out the windows.

You land the helicopter with Rigas helping as co-pilot. Getting out Jonas takes your hand in his as you walk off the platform after an excited Meying. You smile at the girl that has become like a daughter to you.

(A scene from back at the Oceanic Institute, with Haiqi escaping.)

Mana One
Marine research Center

"Morning everyone. Let's get this show in the water." Mac says through the coms.

"Dive 1 and Dive 2, descend to 25 thousand feet. We're exploring area 19, collecting rock samples and logging any new species."

"Diving in T-Minus 20 minutes." Dj says.

You walk up to your seat in the front of the sub behind Jonas, sipping your coffee.

"All eyes open for a easy sweep and scan. The usual."

"Yeah. There's nothing usual down there." You say turning on the sub. "Systems up."

"What's with all these toys you have hanging around your console, Lance?" You hear Curtis through the coms from the other sub.

"They're not toys, their figurines." You hear him answer.

"They are definitely toys, Lance." Mac says and you laugh.

Inside Jess gets ready to drop the subs.

"Ready for the drop, guys?" She asks and then drops the subs into the ocean. You feel the thud in your seat as you land.

The subs descend and you turn to look out to the side, there you see Mac watching the subs through the window. You wave to him and he waves back. Jonas chuckles as you continue to descend.

"So, are you and Sal, like comic-con guys, or what?" Curtis asks.

"Absolutely right."

"Do you dress up?" You ask curiously.

"Yeah." He answers, and is about to tell you more before Sal interrupts him.

"Don't get him started, unless you want to see a million's photographs."

"Yes please." You say, already planning to make him show you some time.

"Stay focused guys." Jonas says from beside you and you chuckle.

"Passing 17 thousand." Dj tells you.

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