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(Jeongin POV*)

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. I wasn't looking towards my window like usual but my front door instead. That's odd

I went to sit up before noticing a heavy weight on my left shoulder, I turned my head slightly. Seungmin was resting his chin on me. Oh my God... he's so close..
His entire body was pressed against mine, his muscular chest curving into my back, his hand resting on my hip. I guess I'm not getting up too soon...

Not that I'm complaining..

I scooted back a bit, nuzzling deeper into him, he let out a noticeable breath before tightening his grip on my waist and pulling me closer.

Omg I'm internally screaming..

I want to turn so I can look at his face better, but he's practically using my shoulder as a pillow..

I turned to look at him again. Maybe I'll just wake him up as gently as possible

"Seungmin." I said quietly.

"Mhm.." he mumbled, nodding into my shoulder, causing me to laugh at his pouty expression he had in his sleep.

"Seungmin....I'm gonna turn around, so we can cuddle better." I said, expecting him to hear me and maybe say "no" or "yes." But instead he gave me another cute mumble, so I took that as a yes.

I slowly turned my whole body around, seungmins hand stayed on my waist while his head fell back to his pillow, causing his eyes to flutter open, and me to cringe as I'd ruined his adorably peaceful sleep.

He looked up at me with half lidded eyes, his cheeks were heavily blushed and his lips were puffy and pink. "Innie?" He said.

I nodded, snuggling back up to him before cupping his cheek. "Good morning handsome." I smiled. He blinked a couple times giving me a warm smile back.

"Good morning innie.." he said, bringing his hand over mine, caressing me with his thumb as I held his face. "I'm sorry..... about last night." He said, his eyes becoming remorseful.


Oh God I completely forgot, I made a fucking mess of myself last night...ugh....why did I ever say any of that..

"Don't apologize, i should apologize I completely ruined our time together-"

"No you didn't." Seungmin said, lowering his brows, irritated. "You were just venting, it's perfectly fine to do that jeongin."

"No it's not I completely embarrassed myself." I said, letting my hand fall from his cheek. He sighed, grabbing my hand and placing it back.

"You were just being vulnerable..... You were expressing all this pent up anger and hurt, that's nothing to be embarrassed of." He said, once again in his signature warm voice, now sounding even more heavenly, mixed with the slight raspyness in his throat.

I wish I could wake up to this every morning...

I nodded at his words but avoided his gaze, not having any idea of how to respond.

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