Chapter 4 - A wreck?

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"Ah, great. More megs."

You stare down at your belly until you hear someone and you whip your head up again, checking the screens in case you missed something.

"Where are we going now?"

"Into the unknown." Rigas answers.

"That's what we came for." Jiuming says.

"I've got Haiqi's tracker ahead. Looks like she's circling." Lance says.

"Look up." Jiuming says and you do. "It's some instinctive gathering. They're here to mate." He says. "That's why Haiqi's been acting strangely."

"Ah, great. More megs." Jonas says with a huff.

"Scanners are detecting abnormal structure." Sal says. The subs dive to the end of a cliff and looks down.

"No way." Rigas mumbles.

"Is that a wreck?" Curtis asks.

"It's some sort of sea floor station." You say with frown.

"What could they be doing down here?" Rigas asks.

"Y/N, run all spectrums." Jonas orders.

"No thats not a wreck. I'm getting heat signature off it." You looking down at your screens. "But I can't see whats inside."

"Multiple airlocks. Power generation. The resources needed is staggering." Jiuming says.

"Who would even have the technology?" Jonas asks.

"Sonar says there's something above us. It looks like a submarine." Lance says.

"Let's take a look." Jiuming says.

(Scene with Montes.)

Rigas drives the sub closer when sudden you hear a thundering sound.

"What was that?" She asks, before the explosions.

"Landslide!" Jonas shouts looking out the window.

"I can't get ahead of it. I'm gonna have go through." Rigas says. You hols on to your seat as you drive through the landslide.

"Guys, what's happening? Im reading thermocline breach. Something ripped a giant hole in it." Jess says.

"Rewind the thrusters, this is all we've got." Curtis says.

Jonas looks to the left in time to see a rock coming to fall on the sub and he throws himself off his sit grabbing Meying to shield her and you who's still in your seat. But on impact he and Meying gets thrown to the side and land on the floor.

"Vertical control is down. Hydraulics are non responsive." Rigas tells you. Trusting Jonas has Meying and turn to the controls just as a rock lands on the line that hang loosely behind you.

"We're pinned." You say.

"Hold steady." Jiuming says as they drive down to cut they line. Jonas goes the window to help guide him.

"Jiuming. Sixty degrees down." He tells him. "Two feet forward."

You take the controls in front of you again and the sub automatically gives you the control as the pilot. Rigas lets go of her controls with a sigh, glad you took over. But then she turns to look out the window with Jonas to see Jiuming trying to cut the line.

"Go go!" Jiuming exclaims as as he cuts the line.

"Full thrust!" Jonas shouts.

Driving through the landslide you watch as Jiumings sub disappears from view.

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