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I've noticed that T never quite seems to get mad at me. Like, he'll get angry and he takes it out on our little brother and sometimes our mother (they deserve it) but he never really takes it out on me.

Like, the other day, we were building some animal enclosures or whatever for the rabbits and he got pissed off. Like, snapping at our little brother to shut up every time he came outside and spoke level of mad. Literally couldn't deal with anyone's bullshit but he didn't snap at me - I quietly helped him finish up what we were doing and I nodded along when he spoke and he actually seemed so much calmer with me than he did with our little brother.

He's never really taken his anger out on me.

We get into fights sometimes (usually just over petty shit) but they're few and far between.

But he usually doesn't yell at me or go to hit me.

And half the time we don't even apologize, we just both never bring it up again. It's like a silent agreement that it's never happened.

I don't know if it's just because we have a close bond or what but still.

just me rambling about my older brotherWhere stories live. Discover now