~High school

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Test Tube's POV:
(A/N: Hey guys! This comment is already made when I posted the new cover, but I'm gonna be fixing a bit of my chapters, that's all!)

It was a cold morning, Test Tube was getting ready for High school, despite the fact that she doesn't know anyone there. She's never really felt this excited, since she's mostly the calm one or maybe even Crazy is what she thinks. But in general, she's just a bit awkward, that's all. At the moment, she questions if she'll see her friends. Ever since middle school ended, they've been going on and on about how they think their new high schools are going to be like.

"...I wonder how many of my friends went to the school I went to... But I don't think any. That's mostly because all of my friends went to different schools..."
She sighs, and starts walking to School, pretty disappointed, but she's happy she got to see her friends a lot during middle school, which is a happy thought that she might as well keep.

She arrives at school, pretty early, and she walks inside. There's not many people there, so she's not as worried yet. Although, she has a massive headache from last night. She's a bit tired from staying up so late at night, that's what must have caused the headache.

"Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up so late, now my head hurts.."

She walks over to the library, trying to ignore the headache, but it starts to get worse either way. She takes out one of her books in her backpack and places it down on the table. "This should keep my mind of the stress for now."

She starts reading her book, although, she feels very... Tired. She can barely stay awake due to her sleeping so late at night. She sighs, setting her book aside and putting her arms on the table, then laying on them.

She's about to fall asleep, when she suddenly hears footsteps coming towards her. She doesn't even bother looking up to see who it was, but it sounded like they were running, so the person could be in a rush at the moment.

"Is this seat taken?" The guy asks, smiling.

"No, you can take it.." She doesn't lift up her head, but she swears that the voice sounded familiar... Unless it's just a big coincidence.

The guy chuckles, and he responds. "Test Tube, did you even sleep well last night? You look like a mess!"

Test Tube lifts up her head once she hears that, and when she looks at him, she couldn't have had smiled brighter...

As she sees Fan looking back at her with that same smile...



I wanted to make a book about these two since I had nothing else to do. And I won't be writing much cause I'm busy, but il try to finish this! 💕🌺🌷

A/N; 5/5/24: edited the story a bit lol 💥

~More Than Friends~ (Fantube-High School AU) Where stories live. Discover now