Chapter 21

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They got to the event and everyone stared at her. Some were gawking but they did not care. She saw Blake and excused herself for a second.

"You look like a gem."

"Thanks, Lake, and so do you."

"And? What about the sob?"

"He kissed her in front of me."

"That is shitty."

"It's okay, I just have to make it through the night."

Julia went to their table, Alexander got up and pulled out the chair for her as she sat down, and of course, Ava was sitting opposite them.

She motioned for the waiter to give her champagne. Alexander spoke and Ava would chime in with the others.

Yet Alexander was glancing at Ava more and she reciprocated too. Whatever to get through the night.

Julia kept on getting more champagne.

"What is on your mind?"

Julia came out of her trance, "Nothing, just listening to you speak."

"You don't seem to be here."

"I am. Just stop pestering me and carry on."

Drink. Another glass. Drink. Another glass.

Julia felt Alexander's hand grip her jaw and turn her face to him, and he kissed her. Her heart hammered, and she swallowed.

When he pulled back,

She smiled and leaned into him. "Do that again, and I will kill you." She said it with a sweet smile on her face.

"We all are here, you two." Ava cut in.

"How can he keep his hands off her? You are one lucky man." Another man replied that she did not know.

Julia saw fire in Ava's eyes.

"I know not only her beauty but everything."

"Stop." She let out, batting her eyelashes at him.


"Don't worry, I got you," Alexander whispered in her ear.

"Kiss me again and I will stab you." She replied with a fake smile on her face.

Alexander was taken a bit aback at first, then he chuckled. Julia excused herself to go use the bathroom, and Blake came in after her.

"I saw your signal."

"He is driving me insane Lake. I want to stab him so badly."

"I don't know how you are doing it, I would have personally lost it."

There was an announcement, and I was glad it was time for a break. Instead of going back to her table, she went to Blake's and they got two champagne bottles.

Blake poured them each a glass, and they were downing them. This was for the first time that she was actually enjoying her night.

Blake was now someone that she needed, and she was so glad that they had met. Julia shuddered at the thought of not having her by her side.

"Let's dance."

She turned to Alexander, gritted her teeth, and took his hand. They went to the dance floor and Alexander pulled her firmly into his arms and held her tightly.

Did he have to do that? She rolled her eyes when she remembered that they were in a contract marriage.

Deep breath she told herself.

Happy new year to all of you and I hope that you have a fresh start and a new year without any sadness, anxiety nor depression. I truly hope that you are all blessed Xxx :)

Early access to chapters: :)

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