4 - Seven

28 5 2

Jungkook's POV

I wanted to kiss her so badly.

But what would she think of me? We'd only just met.

Taehyung and Namratha had left the premises together. They were well acquainted with each other. And I think perhps thy were seeing each other... dating... because hyung had completely forgotten about me after tea.

And so did my assistant, Namratha...

I'm happy for them.

But I'm also terrified of being alone with Soo-Ah in my studio.

My hyungs had all had some excuse or the other. Either their wives or girlfriends had called or they needed to head back to their hotel to pack - owing to the fact that they needed to board a flight home.

Either way, the growing anticipation of doing something was killing me.

There's that feeling of nerves again. Why did I feel so nervous around her?

I sat quietly next to her. Then I took her hand in mine again. It felt good to hold her hand. It was comforting - reassuring even.

"I want to spend more time with you." I repeated.

"Sure. I'm free on weekends. You have my number now. Give me a call." She smiled at me.

"And what if I want to visit you?" I say to her, looking into her eyes.

"That's fine too." She smiled.

"Okay. Are you free tomorrow?" I asked her hopefully.

"Yes, I'm free after work."


"Would you like to see a movie or uh- maybe something else perhaps?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Hmmm... maybe we could go somewhere we can just talk?" She suggested, I liked her honesty.

"Sure. It's a date." I grinned at her.

"I- I- mean... " I faltered, unsure what this was.

"Yes." She said simply and kissed my cheek.

"It's getting a little late oppa, can you please take me home now?" She asked politely.

I shook myself free from the shock of what just happened and rose to take her home.


Soo-Ah's POV

Jungkook is so cute. He blushed a lot during the entire High Tea procession and even when he'd taken me by the hand, his cheeks had turned pink. It felt good when he'd taken hold of my hand in front of everyone, even his friends.

Tae oppa had left with Jungkook's assistant, Namratha. Apparently they were dating. I'm happy for them. Taehyung was a real sneak though. He often asked me about my dating life, but kept his a secret, even from Jungkook!

Oh well... I guess we all want our privacy.

Jungkook and I sat together in silence in his car on the way home. I suppose he had a lot going on in his head, it had been a long day. Turning 30 is a big event in one's life. I guess he's musing over something, perhaps we'll see an exhibition of his new work soon.

I too had a long day. I'd gone to the market place for a break away from my parents, they were so over bearing at times.

And then I bumped into Jeon Jungkook! And he asked me to join him for his birthday celebration!

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