pros and cons

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   Those are all my favorite places. Tommy walks into the record shop and I smile. The boys split up but Tommy stays with me. We both flip through the crates of records. I love it here so much. There were no big lights, only small lamps. The store always smelled like weed, and always comforted me, there were rugs everywhere. I don't even know what the floor looks like. Tommy holds my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. I smile, but keep flipping. "Whatever you want, I'll pay." Tommy says softly. I feel guilty when I spent other people's money. I don't remember why, but it had something to do with my mom. I pick out a CD of Van Halen, one that Tommy didn't have.

   I know that, because when Tommy gets a new CD, he makes sure everyone knows. I find that cute. Actually I find everything he does cute.. maybe not everything but you know what I mean. He walks me to the checkout and pays for it. "Hi y/n," The worker says. His name was one I had never heard before. That's why I remember it. "Hi Cosmo" I say smiling. I love that name. "Who's this?" He asks referring to Tommy. "My best friend, Tommy" I smile. Cosmo smirks at me, knowing we were more than friends. I brush it off and Tommy pays. "Thank you Tommy," I smile up at him. He nods smiling and we all go home. When we walk out of the store Tommy's expression had changed.

   "What's wrong?" I ask gently, only to get no response. I brush it off. Something I'm real good at. When I get home I go to my room. Tommy walks in, sitting on my bed. "I love you" he whispers smiling a huge smile. I can't help but smile back, it is always hard not to. "I love you too Tommy," I wrap my arms around his shoulders and Tommy wraps his around my waist. We hold each other close for awhile. Tommy backs me up on to the bed. He lays on top of me and smiles. "Tommy, I'm gonna go out. Just me" I say and he gets off me. I kiss him goodbye and start walking down the strip. I was planning to only go on a walk, but after a few minutes I found myself Infront of a bar.

   Without thinking, I walk in and head straight to the bar. I order drink after drink, nothing would stop me. After a few hours I grow an intsy tired. I decide to go home. I pay the tab and I'm off. Immediately as a open the door I'm flooded with questions. "Where were you?" And "why the hell do you smell like that?" I ignore them and go to my room. I don't see Tommy so I lay down. Involuntary, I grab a joint and light it..I start to smoke it, adding to the drinks I feel amazing. Tommy walks in with a towel around his waist. His hair drips water droplets onto his shoulders and chest. Already, I feel an ache in my panties. I smile at Tommy. He looks at me suspiciously. "You only smile like that when you've been drinking."

   He says sorta sadly. "sorry!" I laugh at his face. He shakes his head and walks away. I feel sorta bad. I know Tommy was gonna come back. I don't know, it was just that feeling. Tommy comes back with my door. He puts it back on in only his towel. Oh my god, he's so fucking good. He finishes with my door and walks away. I walk up and close it. I got it back after a day. I close my door, and find my vinyl player. I put on one of my favorite singles. Skeeter Davis- The end of the world. I think for a minute. What was stopping me from it? I look to my closet. Tommy knocks on my door, interrupting my thoughts- my ideas even.. I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Get in the car" Mick says forcefully.

   My stomach drops. Tommy walks in my room with a suitcase. I don't know how, but my stomach drops further. With the music playing in the back, Tommy packs things. "What are you doing?" I ask softly. I watch as the suitcase gets filled. My clothes, a pair of shoes and my stuffed animal. "what are you doing?" I ask louder. No one answers. I know what was happening. I step towards Tommy, only to get held back by Mick. "Get Off Of Me!" I screech. I kick and scream. People crowd at my door, inspecting what was happening. "Why are you doing this!?" I yell at Tommy. He buckles up my suitcase and places it by my feet. Things looked like they were going fast, but really it was slow. Time doesn't even exist.

   Mick hands my suitcase to Vince and a few words were said. The vinyl that was spinning stopped, leaving silence in the room. "Your sending me to a hospital!?" I ask loudly. No answer Is a bad answer. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I hear myself screech loudly. Tommy holds my hands while making soft eye contact. "I told you I hate it there.." I speak sadly. My eyes glaze over and I see Tommy's do the same. "Please I can get better.. don't make me go I promise I'll do better.." tears drip from my eyes. "I know moonpie but it's best.." Tommy says and wrap his arms around my waist. Anger floods my head. I back away from Tommy, and smack him hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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