❤️ ᴠᴀʟᴇɴᴛɪɴᴇ'ꜱ ᴅᴀʏ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ❤️

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"[L/n]-sensei! [L/n]-sensei! What are you getting Gojo-sensei for Valentines Day?!" I turned my attention to the first and second-years, "hm? Oh, I'm not sure, it's actually the first year we're spending Valentine's Day together." I say bashfully at the fact. This surprised the kids in front of me, "what do you expect? I was gone for 12 years!! I guess I can take him somewhere, oh, maybe we can bake some sweets together?" Some agreed to one option and the others agreed to the other.

"We'll go ask Gojo-sensei for you!" "Ah wait- ugh." I was about to stop them but they already ran off to find Satoru. I walk to my room, I can probably go without taking him to a restaurant, most will probably be packed anyway, so baking it is! I grab my wallet and leave campus, walking to the nearest grocery store. It was still early in the morning so I had time.

Let's see, chocolate chip cookies should suffice, I grab chocolate chips, and everything else used to bake cookies, I turned to the seasonal aisle and grabbed a box of chocolates that were packed in a cliche heart shape, I then head to the art department and grab a white fake primrose flower. That should be all.
I made my way up to the checkout where everyone else was buying gifts for their lovers. It wasn't too long before I got my stuff bagged and paid for, I quickly made my way back to campus, the long and drawn out steps upward felling like nothing this time around.

Humming, I made my way over to the shared kitchen and placed the bags down on the counter, I take the flower and rip the price tag off and throw the tag in the trash. I then grab the chocolates and walk out the door, time to look for my dear husband!
After about an hour searching for the blindfolded dumbass I couldn't find him, hmmm.
I walk to Yaga's office, "[L/n]-sensei! Are you looking for Gojo-sensei?" Maki says, the others standing next to her, I nodded, "principal Yaga sent him on a last minute mission and-" I cut her off by walking into the office. I'm bouta beat someone's ass.

The students heard their principal scream for the first time ever.

"OKOK! ILL MAKE THE STUDENTS TAKE THE MISSION! PLEASE!" "That wasn't so hard now was it?" I get up and walk out the doors, the students not daring to make eye contact, "you guys are taking the mission instead of Satoru." "Yes sir!" "On it!" "Please don't beat us!"

It wasn't soon after the students left that Satoru came back, "hello my dear husband, you wouldn't happen to know anything about my last minute schedule change would you?" "Nope not at all! Now lets go!" I drag him to the campus kitchen, "we're making cookies! :D" I happily say, handing him the chocolates and flower, "I also got you these." He immediately opens the chocolates and eats one, I go to grab one as well but he swats my hand away, "ass." "Only to you~" "no you're an ass to everyone, I'm just the one who puts up with it," "cause you love me~" I sigh, "that I do," he leans down slightly to kiss me, which I happily return. "Let's bake those cookies shall we?" We immediately start working on the batter, one of us would eat some batter and the other would yell at them but would go and do the same a minute later.

We get whatever batter was left and made them into heart shaped and stuck them in the preheated oven. While we were waiting I was scrolling on my phone and Satoru was behind me with his arms around my neck, also looking at my phone. After a few minutes, Shoko: image sent, I tap on the notification and saw Shoko had taken a picture of us in this position just now and sent it to me, no doubt that she sent to to Satoru as well. "SHOKO!" I yelled and heard her giggle while walking away, Satoru's laugh also being heard right in my ear, it could be worse I suppose. It coulda been a photo of Satoru bent over the counter- "the timer is going off." Luckily I was brought back to reality before it was too late. I grab the oven mitt and hand it to Satoru, who bent down slightly to grab the cookies out of the oven, resistresistresistresistre-. "Hey you good?" "Hmm? Yeah, sorry just thinking," the tray was now on the counter with a pot holder underneath to keep it from burning the counter. Satoru wrapped his arms around my neck, "what'cha thinkin' about?~" DAMN IT ALL!

I wrapped my arms around his waist and thanked god for letting me be shorter than him as I shoved my face into his chest. A small kiss was planted onto my head, as I hummed in content, I looked back up and saw he took off his blindfold, "Ah! Satoru, as much as I love your eyes I don't want you getting tired," he chuckled slightly, "and why is that?" My face got warm all of a sudden, "Ehem, uh well?-" he dragged me back to the dorms. And brought me into my own room, locking the door behind us, and shoved my onto the bed. He got on top of me, straddling my hips, "I think I know of a way to thank you for the chocolates~"


The students, now really tired, finally finished the mission and started heading back to the dorms but immediately turned around after hearing their dear ol teacher scream, "arcade?" "Arcade."


"Welcome back my dear students! Sorry but today I'm gonna be pushing my missions onto you for the day!~" "is that really a surprise?" "Taking care of [L/n]-sensei?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear, [Name] walked up to the group, still very clearly tired, in a plain white tee, sweats, and plain converse. Walking.... Normally.
"Come on Satoru, I'm still tired, I wanna go back to bed..."
"No." [Name] was confused at his statement, Satoru didn't want to embarrassingly limp back to bed in front of his students. "Okay fine, I'll just eat all the chocolates." [Name] says walking back to bed, Satoru immediately went to catch up with his husband, accidentally limping, not daring to turn around to see the students mortified faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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