End of the Road

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A/N: Yes, I know I'm already in the middle of like 3 other tvd stories, I accept I have a problem.

3rd Person POV:

Damon just found out Stefan grabbed Elena. He'd never seen his brother this out of control before especially not around her and right now that scares him. Scares him so much he's actually about to walk up and ask Klaus for help. 

He quickly spots the feared Hybrid across the room from him at the Founder's Hall chatting with the new Mayor and goes over to pull him away interrupting some conversation about conservation he couldn't even begin to care less about.

"What now?" Klaus asks rolling his eyes, annoyed just by Damon's sheer presence.

"You just pulled me away from a fascinating conversation about landscaping the Town Square," he complains.

"Stefan just grabbed Elena," Damon tells him skipping to the point.

"Well, he's getting desperate," Klaus tells him unbothered.

"He's gonna try and use her against you," Damon tells him not bothering to play whatever game Stefan is in the middle of too worried for Elena's safety at the moment for any kind of bigger picture talk, "Do what he says, get rid of your hybrids," he tells Klaus.

"Or what?" Klaus asks, "Stefan would never dream of killing her."

"You sure about that?" Damon asks, "He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a council party, he's operating on crazy right now," he points out.

"Well, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies. He's bluffing," Klaus says, normally being reminded of Elena and Stefan's epic love would annoy Damon but right now he is genuinely too afraid for her to care.

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but if you don't want to believe him, believe me. I know my brother better than anyone, and right now... I don't have a clue how far he is willing to take this. So if he says blink, I suggest you blink," he tells Klaus barely containing his panic but Klaus just walks away not taking Damon's warning seriously.

Meanwhile Across Town: 

Stefan has Elena in his car and they are speeding dangerously down the dark poorly lit backroads of Mystic Falls.

"So, what's the plan, Stefan? What's the big move you're making?" Elena asks trying to talk him if only to figure out where his head's at, a task that has gotten harder and harder to do since he returned to Mystic Falls.

"I took Klaus' family to make him suffer, I'm not gonna let him make himself a new one," he tells her.

"So, what are you going do, huh?" she asks knowing she's the key to Klaus making his hybrids.

 "Are you gonna lock me in some cave and keep me hostage?" She asks like the idea is too absurd to contemplate.

"Maybe, maybe, I'll just turn you into a vampire," he says truly terrifying her because right now she really can't tell whether or not he's serious.

"Stop the car, Stefan!" she orders but he ignores her speeding up even more, forcing her body to sit back due to the velocity of the car. 

She tries to calm her rising panic and slow her breathing but she's never been in a car going this fast and honestly, Stefan is starting to scare the crap out of her right now.

"Stefan," she cries finally letting her panic start to bubble out of her.

Her emotions while no longer hidden do nothing to slow him down, if anything it feels like he just sped up again.

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