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A/N: It doesn't make sense to me that Rebekah and Sage would hook up even in a threesome given their dislike for one another so yeah that's not happening in this story.

3rd Person POV:

After sitting with Elena while she drank her OJ and making sure she was okay Damon offered to help her get the rest of her errands really just wanting to spend some time with her.

He also convinced her to take a small bit of his blood to heal Stefan's bite mark from her neck which had been driving him crazy ever since he was forced to watch his brother give it to her.

After they got everything on her list he dropped her off at Abby's before heading to meet up with Rick.

"Hey, so Damon and I got the blood," she says passing it to Caroline when she answers the door.

"Oh nice, B positive, my favorite," Caroline comments before listing off the other varieties to Bonnie for her mom.

Abby is outside in her garden standing by a bird bath looking a bit out of it.

"I made her a daylight ring. She's been standing out there all morning. I don't think she's taking this very well," Bonnie explains.

"Well, it's only been a few days since she turned. Your mom is still adjusting," Caroline points out.

"Yeah, I mean Stefan is still adjusting, and it's been what 146 years for him," Elena says before her hand goes to her neck where he had bitten her earlier.

"What happened with Stefan?" Care asks looking concerned for a moment.

"Damon is trying to teach Stefan control around human blood, I offered my services," Elena explains.

"The three of you have such a weird dynamic, I swear," she says.

"What? No, we don't," Elena argues.

"Actually she kind of has a point," Bonnie tells her siding with Caroline but Elena just rolls her eyes at her friends and goes outside to check on Abby.

Meanwhile, Damon meets up with Rick at the hospital. Meredith was still convinced he had done the killings but not because he chose to but because his resurrection ring was driving him mad.

She had shown the gang references to the phenomena in her old family journals and Alaric had agreed to undergo some tests to rule out a tumor or other medical reasonings.

"So, what's the verdict doc?" he asks walking into Rick's room.

"Everything looks normal," Meredith says.

"Yeah, well, everything is normal, because there is nothing wrong with me. I didn't kill Brian Walters, I didn't kill Bill Forbes, and I sure as hell didn't shove a hunting knife into my stomach," Rick says before looking down at his ring.

"Or I did and I've gone insane, just like all the other people who've worn this ring," he says now starting to second guess himself.

"Nah, trust me I've seen crazy, you ain't it," Damon tells him.

"I am if I'm killing people and not remembering it," Alaric points out before shoving his ring toward Damon, "here, take it. I don't want it anymore," he tells him.

Damon doesn't argue, just takes the ring and shoves it into his jeans making a mental note to ask Bon Bon about it later if she's not too busy with vampire 101 lessons with her mom.

"You ready to ditch this House of Horrors?" he asks.

"Yeah, let me just check outta here," Rick tells him.

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