Act 33

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In the interm, Adam was at the library looking in the old boxes to find out more information about Alexander Walf and the rest, but he came across some old stuff, like articles or documents about the Walfield and photographs from the 60s, 70s, and some 80s, some black and white, others in colors, but it wasn't what Adam was looking for.

A few minutes became hours, and after a long search, Adam was sitting here and started to get tired. "There must be something about him," he sighs and looks around, until the power went out.

Adam replies with frustration, "Seriously?! That's great...!," gets up, opens a drawer that has a flashlight in it, grabs it, and tries to turn the flashlight on, but it has weak batteries.

So, Adam He gently taps the lantern until it finally lights up and walks around trying to find the switch for the power until he finds it and turns it on, but it doesn't work, so he goes to the generator, and as soon as Adam arrives at the area with dust and spiderwebs, where the generator is located,.

As Adam was there, he got down on his knees, looked for a button, and, as he found it, placed the flashlight on the ground.

All of a sudden, as Adam turned it on, a hooded man with an old hockey mask showed up out of nowhere and tried to hit Adam from behind with a crowbar, but fortunately Adam saw the man's shadow and dodged it.

Quickly Adam gets up and confronts the hooded man, "Who are you...?" but the man doesn't respond back and tries to hit Adam again and kick him, as Adam dodges it, but falls.

As the man tries to hit again, Aiden shows up and hits the hooded man with the first piece of wood on the head, making him fall unconscious on the ground, and the hockey mask falls off the hooded man's face, revealing his identity, and it was Mike.

Aiden goes to Adam, asking with irony, "Hey, big bro. Are you okay, or do you want to stay up a little bit more?"

Adam looks serious and confused as he says, "Very funny, Aid... Wait, how did you know that I was here? I thought that you went with Julie."

Aiden responded, "No. We had a little arguing. And I'm here now," as he helped Adam as he picked him up from the floor.

Adam was kind of surprised. "Wait! You left Julie alone!"

Aiden looked and replied, "No. Sam is with Julie, and they went to Mr. Rogers house."

Adam and Aiden look at Mike, and Adam asks, "Is that Alen...?"

And Aiden responded, "No."

And Adam shakes his head and is confused, questioning, "So... if that is not the guy, who is he then?"

As well as Aiden, as he said, "I have no idea..."

Until Adam sees a very small and old dusting box on the floor with the letters 'A' written on it, immediately Adam goes, opens it, and both Adam and Aiden look inside and see the original book "Fire," written by Alexander Walf, and a note that says, "It's the last birthday gift that I will give you, when you find your home, J.W. from Alex."

Both were more confused, now, until Adam with this clue, he started to make puzzlingly together case, "J.W., this person is related to writer Alexander Walf, so that means the letter 'W' is from Walf, but the letter 'J'... Not sure."

And Aiden notices something odd about that birthday that was written, "Wait, October 8, isn't that Julie's birthday...?"

Until they release something, and Adam says, "Oh no, we have to go now! We have to save Julie before that guy, Alen, finds her first. Let's go!" and Aiden looks around, and Adam sees the door to exit, and both make a run for it.

However, the boys didn't notice that Mike was pretending to be unconscious, as he had been awake for a few minutes before. Listening to the conversation between Adam and Aiden, they just found out one of the clues to the truth.

Mike slowly gets up with the same heading, but ignores it and laughs insanely, "No more hide and seek." pick up his hockey mask from the ground and look at it, saying slowly, "You can't hide or run away this time. Alen...!" puts his mask on and follows them.

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