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Lincoln was getting ready to leave the park after all his friends cancelled on their plans to hang out.

Lincoln walked passed a teenage girl sitting on a bench crying, Lincoln wanted to ignore the girl but being Lincoln Loud his body wouldn't let him walk away no matter how much he tried.

Lincoln walked up to bench sitting next to her.

Lincoln: excuse me miss but are you okay?

Girl: uh what?

Lincoln: are you okay?

Girl: I'm fine.

Lincoln handed her a hankie.

Girl: thank you.

Lincoln: I know it's not my place to ask but what's making you cry?

Girl: I'm not crying, I... I just have something in my eyes.

Lincoln looks at the girl and  it's very obvious she's lying and notices she looked like she was about to start crying.

Girl: I'm fine I'm just... fine.

She then began to cry again with Lincoln patting her back.

Lincoln: there there, it's okay just let it out, you can tell me what's bothering you if it makes you feel better.

Girl: why are you being so nice to me, you don't even know me, didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers.

Lincoln: I know we don't know each other but I wanna help, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying out in the open like this.

Girl: pretty, if you wanted to make me feel better you shouldn't lie to me.

Lincoln: I wasn't lying, I really think you're pretty.

Girl: really?

Lincoln: yeah.

Lincoln's face got a little red from embarrassment.

Lincoln: I'm Lincoln, Lincoln Loud.

Girl: my name's Stephanie.

Lincoln: I know it's not my place, but what's making you cry?

Stephanie looks on at the white haired boy who she just met but she knew he was worried for someone he just met but didn't know if she should trust him.

Lincoln: you can trust me we're friends now, or aren't we?

Stephanie: I guess we are.

Lincoln: so tell me what's bugging you friend?

Stephanie: well you see, there was this boy that I like and one of my friends told him behind my back.

Lincoln: maybe she was just trying to help you hook you up with your crush.

Stephanie: not likely, he and his friends made fun of me and called me weird, it's not the fact he was a jerk that hurts is that my friend betrayed my trust.

Lincoln: I guess I understand why you're upset.

Stephanie: yeah.

Lincoln: why don't I try to cheer you up.

Stephanie: you don't have to-

Lincoln: don't worry I'm really good at cheering people.

Stephanie: you don't really need to, you were nice enough to listen to my problems.

Lincoln: Well it wouldn't be nice for me to leave a friend when she's feeling down.

Both started off with getting ice cream then went on a little walk while talking about different topics just like that they did keep each other company to the point that before they knew it it had gotten dark.

Lincoln: it's getting pretty late.

Stephanie: yeah I guess you're right.

Lincoln: I gotta get going, see you around.

Stephanie: too, and Lincoln thanks for today.

Lincoln: no problem, I better get going before my parents start getting worried.

Lincoln ran off as Stephanie watched him disappear over the distance before remembering she still had his hankie.

Stephanie: Lincoln wait I still have..... your hankie.

Lincoln was gone and out of sight.

I know what y'all thinking, like damn after a whole year this dude finally writes another story but y'all should hear me out i got a good reason... I was being lazy 😋, cause I would just be chilling going through my phone then I would see the wattpad app and be like damn it's really been a year since my last story

But that's besides the point I hope y'all like the story and I hope y'all had a nice Christmas, and I hope y'all have a Happy New Year. Goodbye 4 now

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