(X) 'Let me do this for you.'

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Jimin's parents are sitting on the couch in front of Yoongi's parents. Jimin is sitting on the single couch on the left and Yoongi is sitting on the single couch on the right.

Mr Davies clears his throat and says, 'I consider Jimin as my own son. That was why I hit him. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry.'

Mr Jones says, 'Jimin... Don't argue with Mr Davies. You should treat Yoongi's parents as your own. Okay?'
Jimin says, 'Okay, Dad.'
Mrs Jones asks, 'Are you okay, Jimin?'
Jimin answers, 'Yes, Mum.'

Mr Davies says, 'Let's not make this a huge problem.'
Mr Jones says, 'Yeah...'
Mrs Jones says, 'And Yoongi. Be nice to Jimin. He's your husband.'
Yoongi says, 'Aye...'
Mrs Jones says, 'Good.'

Later at night, Yoongi is in bed trying to sleep. Jimin is lying on the couch with a blanket on his body to his chest.

Jimin says, 'Yoongi...'
Yoongi asks, 'What?'
Jimin asks, 'If I appeared to be brawny, would you treat me better?'
Yoongi asks, 'Huh?'
Jimin answers, 'You said that I'm not your type. You would have treated me better if I was your type, wouldn't you?'

Yoongi does not respond.

Jimin says, 'I thought we could build a family together. I was wrong. I thought you might treat me well if I treat you well.'
Yoongi says, 'I never said that I'll treat you well.'
Jimin says, 'I know. It was my fault.'

Yoongi says, 'I shouldn't have held your cheeks like that. I'm sorry.'
Jimin says, 'Oh... You know how to apologise.'
Yoongi says, 'Whatever.'
Jimin says, 'You must have planned to divorce me already.'

Yoongi says, 'Of course. It'll be very soon. I just don't wanna rush things and land in trouble.'
Jimin says, 'I understand.'
Yoongi says, 'Don't worry. I won't touch you again.'
Jimin says, 'I'm glad.'

Yoongi, without another word to Jimin, dozes off. Jimin turns to his right and closes his eyes.

The next day.

Yoongi is checking his office bag—he is standing in the living room. Jimin walks downstairs with a playful smile on his lips.

Mrs Davies says, 'Good morning, boys.'
Yoongi says, 'Morning, Mum.'

Mrs Davies looks at Jimin. The latter does not respond.

Jimin keeps his backpack on the floor and sits on the couch. He keeps his right palm on his abdomen and stares at Yoongi.

Yoongi notices Jimin's stare and asks, 'What?'

Jimin does not respond.

Yoongi frowns as Jimin keeps staring at him.

All of a sudden, Jimin starts to experience a seizure—his palms move involuntarily and his mouth moves to the left.

Yoongi keeps his office bag on the couch in front of Jimin and rushes to him.

Yoongi exclaims, 'Mum!' and sits next to Jimin.

Mrs Davies walks into the living room and spots Jimin.

Yoongi asks, 'Did his parents tell you that he experiences seizures?'
Mrs Davies answers, 'Uh... No...'

Yoongi holds Jimin's shoulder line and says, 'Shhh... It's all right.'

Jimin mumbles something but Yoongi is unable to understand it.

Yoongi continues, 'It's all right.' and holds Jimin closer to his body.

Mr Davies walks into the living room wearing a suit and spots Yoongi and Jimin sitting on the couch together.

Jimin's saliva flows down his mouth. Yoongi grabs a few pieces of tissue paper from the table and wipes Jimin's face dry. He tosses the pieces of used tissue paper into the rubbish bin.

Jimin stops moving and blinks. He gulps once and sits upright on the couch. He glances at Yoongi with a clueless look on his face.

Yoongi asks, 'Are you okay?'

Jimin nods once in response.

Yoongi asks, 'What was that?'
Jimin answers, 'I have epilepsy. I should have told you earlier... I'm sorry.'
Yoongi says, 'No... That's... All right.'

Jimin whispers, 'Because you don't care. I know.' and smiles a little.

A disheartened look fills Yoongi's face.

Jimin stands up and grabs his backpack from the floor.

Mrs Davies says, 'Drop him at the university, Yoongi.'
Jimin says, 'No, I can drive.'
Yoongi says, 'You just experienced a seizure.'
Jimin says, 'I won't experience it again soon.'

Mr Davies says, 'Yoongi's gonna drop Jimin at the university.' and walks out of the house.

Yoongi stands up and says, 'I'll drop you. It's no trouble.'

Jimin says, 'And who's gonna pick me up? I gotta take my car to the university.'
Mrs Davies says, 'Book a taxi, Jimin.'
Yoongi says, 'I'll pick you up.'
Jimin says, 'I don't wanna trouble you, Yoongi.'

Yoongi says, 'No, it's all right.'
Jimin says, 'You'll be late to the company. You should go.'
Yoongi says, 'Come on. Let me drop you.'
Jimin says, 'No, Yoongi.'
Yoongi says, 'I insist, Jimin.'

Jimin presses his lips tight and gazes at Yoongi.

Yoongi grabs his office bag and walks out of the house. He wears his shoes and begins to walk. Jimin follows Yoongi.

Shortly, Yoongi and Jimin are sitting in the former's car.

Yoongi says, 'That's like five kilometres away.'
Jimin says, 'I told you that I'll drive to the university.'
Yoongi says, 'No, that's okay.'
Jimin asks, 'Can I ask you something?'
Yoongi answers, 'Aye.'

Jimin asks, 'Why do you care about me all of a sudden?'
Yoongi answers, 'I'm your husband. That's enough reason, I suppose.'
Jimin says, 'It's not like you wanna be my husband.'

Yoongi does not respond.

Jimin sighs and continues, 'You don't have to try hard to be nice to me.'

Yoongi says, 'I'm not.'
Jimin asks, 'What?'
Yoongi answers, 'I'm not trying hard to be nice to you.'

Jimin presses his lips tight and gazes at Yoongi.

Yoongi asks, 'What?'
Jimin answers, 'I don't want you to sympathise.'
Yoongi says, 'I know.'
Jimin says, 'I started to experience seizures when I was merely six. I'm used to it.'
Yoongi says, 'I see.'

Jimin says, 'So if you feel sympathy, just don't.'
Yoongi says, 'No, I don't.'
Jimin says, 'Great.'
Yoongi says, 'Yeah.'
Jimin says, 'I don't know why you're acting nice all of a sudden. Whatever it is, you don't have to try hard.'

Yoongi hums in response.

Quite soon, Yoongi drops Jimin in front of a huge university. The latter walks off with his backpack.

Yoongi honks twice.

Jimin turns around and looks at Yoongi. The latter gestures asking Jimin to come closer.

Jimin steps closer to the car and leans forward. Yoongi lowers the window and parts his lips open.

Jimin asks, 'What?'
Yoongi asks, 'When should I pick you up?'
Jimin answers, 'It's okay. I'll take a taxi.'
Yoongi says, 'Come on, Jimin. Let me do this for you.'
Jimin asks, 'Why? Your dad just asked you to drop me, didn't he?'

Yoongi answers, 'It's not about him. I shouldn't have hurt you like that. So... You know...'
Jimin says, 'At three in the evening.'
Yoongi says, 'All right.'
Jimin says, 'You'll have work to do at the company. That was why I said that I'll take a taxi.'

Yoongi says, 'Uh... No, I can... Spare some time. It's no trouble.'
Jimin asks, 'Are you sure?'
Yoongi answers, 'Aye.'
Jimin says, 'Okay.'
Yoongi says, 'Bye...'

Jimin nods once and stands upright. He turns around and begins to walk. A shy smile gleams on his lips.

Yoongi raises the window and drives off—he looks lost in thought.

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