5 「I N T O X I C A T E D」 3

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third point of view

𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐀𝐌❜𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍, Catherine watched as he said his final goodbyes to his cousin, the showing finally coming to an end at five only since they'd departed the pack house at two in the afternoon.

The young bunny shifter couldn't help but squirm in her seat the memory of what they'd done only a few minutes inside of a house neither of them owned.

Although it was more so just Sam, himself, after their little escapade she'd began to see him in an even more lust filled light however the longer they were apart yearning in between her legs only grew more pronounced.

Entirely to pronounced to be normal, causing the young woman to furrow her eyebrows as she squished her legs together before reaching down into her purse.

Quick to pull out her cellphone and check the date which  to her disappointment and partial shock noted it being the Twentieth of February, meaning there were only eight days left in February.

"Maybe it'll come late this year." Catherine hoped to herself although last year, her heat had come a few days later than the year before so just maybe it'll happen again.

However deep down Catherine knew both sex and merely getting aroused could throw her into her heat early and that was  all she had been doing since she met her imprinters.

So despite being so needy for the touch of the pack of shifters, Catherine felt she may need to lessen the amount of sex she was having, and hopefully get her new home ready as now she would be needing a nest.

Although jumping harshly as the driver side door of the truck was pulled open, not having noticed Sam finishing his conversation with the two women and haven come back into the truck and closing the door.

"I don't think either of them noticed," He spoke as he got himself softly situated in the driver seat, whilst turning over toward the beautiful and temptation Catherine in the passenger seat. "or they didn't want to bring it up."

Looking up at the man, Catherine couldn't barely sit still as she continued to stare over at Sam, her head tilted slightly down as she tried to hide the lustrous look on her face.

"This was really sweet Sam," Catherine spoke softly with a dazed smile on her face, unable to turn toward anything else as she lost herself in him again. "I can't believe I'm getting a house."

At the second part of the words, the young woman couldn't help the way her voice slightly grew in pitch as she'd grown excited at the very idea of having her own place.

Something that would have eventually happened, yet she'd always thought it would have been in the village, constructed somewhere near the town square which was a fifteen minute walk from her parent's ranch.

Yet now here she was buying a house miles and miles away from not only her family, but also her village and she was EXCITED about it.

"Anything for you, sugar," Sam softly spoke as he reached over, lightly running the back of his index and middle finger across his sweet bunny's cheek. "how soon are you gonna move in?"

Hearing his question, Catherine's gaze paused for a moment not even having thought about it, she planned to sign the actual purchasing papers as soon as possible.

The funds being graciously given by her parents after she'd told them about the entire situation, it was honestly tough for her to keep her mom from attempting to fly down; especially after she learned about the injury she'd sustained.

"I don't know," She breathed out glancing a head for the first time in a while, yet look back at the house that she was buying she couldn't help but get happy again. "as soon as possible I think, I can't wait to decorate."

"We can help you move just about anything," Sam quickly spoke up wanting a chance to help out with her new place as much as possible, hopeful to show off his immense strength to his little imprint. "literally."

Listening to the man chuckle over his own strength, Catherine couldn't help but smile a bit wider before she used her hand to softly nudge at his playfully.

"And right back to." She giggled finding it amusing with the way he and the rest of the pack were quick to forget that she was just like them, yet a different species.

A clear sign of their separation from the rest of the shape-shifter/hybrid world, despite many species being either small or extinct there were plenty around the world willing to converse with other species.

"I keep forgetting you're just like me," Sam cheesed as he brought his left hand back up to her face, his surprisingly trim fingers light caressing right side of Catherine's face. "my sugar bunny."

As he spoke the man continued to softly trace his thumb across the bottom of Catherine's lips, his already dark brown eyes growing wide in the same way Catherine had saw in the bathroom.

"Sammm," She couldn't help but whine as she felt the familiar warmth flowing to her face, whilst she shyly backed away from his hand. "we have to get back to the pack house."

Yet that wasn't the only reason Catherine had been trying to stop the increasingly erotic situation, there was also her impending heat.

"I like making you blush," Sam continued on with his teasing not knowing of Catherine's currently sex driven thoughts, even as he grabbed a tighter hold of the bottom of her chin. "sue me."

That being said the man couldn't help but smirk as he lightly released a huffed/chuckled from his nose, his eyes quickly moving from Catherine's eyes to her lips.

Waiting for any sign that his sugar bunny wanted to wait, even after the events of the open house bathroom, and as he was only met with a soft whine and the feeling of her moving closer to him.

Sam was quick to pull the girl forwards, lightly tilting his head to the right as he connected their lips, yet their tongues met seconds after they'd barely connects.

The two quickly becoming entranced in each other, especially as Sam's hand right hand came to lightly grasp at Catherine's neck giving a light squeeze to which he was quickly met with the softest moan he'd ever heard from her.

Yet instead of letting the beating of his heart and the shouts of his inner wolf get a head of him, Sam could only softly pull back, breaking the kiss instead to look over Catherine's begging face as her hands came up to grip his own.

Not pulling his larger one off, instead only holding on to him as she look up at him before tugging her bottom lip into her mouth in order to lick the taste of him off of them.

"We gotta get back to the pack house remember?" Sam teased using his tight hold on her neck to softly sway her head from side to side before pulling back sitting up straight in the driver's seat again.

Only smirking a bit deeper as he watched his sugar bunny pout before ultimately sitting back in her seat squirming just as she had been before he'd even gotten in.

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