《prolonge: Event Skipped》

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×??????'s pov×
I sighed, I was being called by Landon, my friend who was the ex of Shellington of the octonauts...

"Okay? Paani has a surprise for Shellington... why are you telling me....?" I asked "No I'm not coming with you Sonne and Bill" I said...

I followed Kwazii to the bus stop he sat on the seat....

After a while the Bus came, Kwazii got on and I followed...

×Kwazii's pov×
I was on the bus thinking of my ex, Colton, he was a wounded soul... he was born to Harri, his father and Mary Alongside his twin sister Stella, Stella was the fav child, Stella was also the main one who loved her brother/Colton, Colton loved her but also had(has) a Jealousy driven dislike of her.

After a while I got to my stop, and started to go to the beach.... to go home.. .

×calico Jack's pov×
I was at an Event, Kwazii, my grandson was supposed to be here.... but he wasn't, and the event was nearly over, where was he? I decided to call him...

"Hello?" Kwazii said "where are you, Lad?" I asked "I'm going home..." he replied, I sighed "okay I'll be there soon... its almost over anyways" I said...

I enjoyed the last minutes of the event and went to go to the Octopod... I exited the cave, the cave was large with two openings, and pirates often came to explore it....

I walked for a while until I got into the gup-R, The Gup-R is a speedy Gup that Tweak had based on a Sailfish, Kwazii had helped her make it...

I got to the Octopod... but saw something....

A black wolf watching Kwazii through the window.....

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