Chapter 9

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    After we got home, everyone decided to turn in immediately, but the previous events just made me a bit more amped up than I thought. After changing my clothes, I went to the sparring room and started practicing some drills on my own. As I was getting in the zone, I could sense three people making their way in here...As they opened the door, with my back turned towards them, I said:

- Arson...Caiden...and Blake...(then I turn towards them), what are you guys doing here?

(then I turn towards them), what are you guys doing here?

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- You couldn't sleep either huh? (said Blake.)

- Nope, just needed to let off some steam...

- I assume your dinner didn't go well? (asked Arson cautiously.)

- Ha...It was...interesting for the most part.

- Since we're all up, might as well do some sparring together! (suggested Caiden.)

- It's cool, I can just leave and give you guys your privacy.

- Don't be ridiculous! (exclaimed Blake) Now that you're here there's an even number, which means that we all get a sparring partner! Right, guys!?

- Right! (they said as they looked at each other while nodding their heads.)

- Plus, I've been curious about you since you greeted us the first time we came here...finding out that you're Arson's sister just made that intrigue grow even more.

- Uh, okay then.

- Great! You're with me, then Arson and Caiden can partner up! Each duo will face off while the others watch and at the end, they analyze what went wrong, what could've been better, and where they each need to improve! Lisa, we're up first!

- Before you start, (started Arson), Lisa, are you able to switch your Dweller side on at will now?

- Um...not exactly...

- To give you a fair chance in this, here's a trick to help you focus. It might seem simple but that's because it is. Every time you want to switch, take a deep breath in and a big one out to help you focus and not think about anything else but making that switch. If it doesn't work the first time, try not to get too frustrated because that's when you might lose control and your emotions start controlling you.

- Got it. (I said as I focused this pent-up energy on the inside.)

But in the blink of an eye, Blake suddenly ran towards me anticipating apowerful blow...

But in the blink of an eye, Blake suddenly ran towards me anticipating apowerful blow

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