Chapter 2-

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So I guess I'm going to continue this due to popular demand, thank all of you who encouraged me to continue. It really means a lot to know people are actually reading my work :)


Rei looked down at the watch on his wrist as he briskly walked down the uninhabited hallway.

"3 minutes," he muttered. Damn it, I'm going to be late again.

Rei summoned every bit of his track running skill to sprint to the door of the classroom. He swung it open, arriving with no less than a minute to spare.

"Rei-chan!!" the blonde grinned, his maroon eyes wide and excited. Nagisa buzzed with an energy that Rei found intriguing. He had never found joy in interacting with others, instead looking to research and studying to bring him entertainment. Nagisa was certainly not the type of person he would ever expect to be spending his time with. But after just two weeks of lessons, Rei had found himself enjoying it immensely.

"Hello, Nagisa-kun," he breathed, flinging his backpack on to the desk that faced Nagisa and sitting down.

"So, Rei-chan, we should get to know each other better!" Nagisa chirped. Rei blinked, startled by the sudden request.

"Y-know, we've been doing these lessons for like, 2 weeks now, and I know nothing about you! We will be spending lots of time together and all! Cmon Rei-chaaaan, it'll be fun!"

Rei pushed his glasses up, pondering the idea. It can't be too bad, he thought to himself. "Alright," he replied. "I-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Nagisa was assaulting him with questions.

"You're really brilliant, Rei-chan. Does it hurt to be that smart?"

"Gosh, do you work out? You really look like you work out."

"Can I try on your glasses? Do you think they'd look cute on me?"

"Is that a butterfly on your backpack? Do you like butterflies?"

"Do you like penguins? I loooove penguins!!"

"Is your hair naturally that blue? Can I feel it? It looks soft!"

"Mmm, Rei-chan, do you have a girlfriend? You MUST have a girlfriend."

Rei's mind was spinning, struggling to follow the wild boy's questions. He barely uttered a single word as Nagisa went on and on, nearly using up all the time in their lesson. He could feel his face burning as the questions became increasingly personal and embarrassing.

"N-Nagisa-kun!" Rei yelped after what felt like the 500th question. "M-maybe you should just ask one question, I can't really keep up..."

"But I have so many!" Nagisa whined.

Rei blinked. "Hmm, maybe we can make it a weekly activity? Every week you ask a question, and I answer it. If I can't answer, I will have your answer by the next lesson."

Nagisa's eyes brightened. "So once a week I can ask a question? That sounds like fun!"

Rei exhaled. "Alright, so what's your question of the week?"

Nagisa paused, resting a finger on his lips. He hummed quietly as he thought. Rei noticed after a few moments that he had been staring, and promptly turned his gaze away, blushing slightly.

"Rei-chan... You know that feeling when you have all that fluttering in your tummy?" Nagisa leaned in, staring directly into Rei's eyes. "It's called having butterflies in your stomach, right? Why does it feel like that?"

Rei struggled to think of an answer, but none came to mind. He knew the answer was in his brain somewhere, that he had to have memorized it in some class sometime, but for some reason his mind was completely blank.

"I-I don't know the answer to that one..." he muttered quietly.

"Oh... Guess you'll have to answer it next week!" Nagisa grinned.

Rei looked up at the clock, and Nagisa followed suit. "Would you look at the time! Looks like it's time to go!" The blonde giggled. He grabbed his bags and ran to the door. "See you next week, Rei-chan!" he shouted, then he was gone.

For a fleeting moment, Rei could feel the butterflies that Nagisa had described.


sorry this is kinda short, it seemed longer in my head aha

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