reaction: Creator

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In the reaction room, everyone was doing their own thing while waiting for the next reaction to start.

Velzard was resting, with gii and Rudra having a arm wrestling match with no winner so far. It's been going on for the past few weeks now, velgrynd was not happy to say the least

The rest of the demon Lords were doing their own thing, with Leon having a conversation with Chloe ( kid form) he already knows that it's her but she has no idea, along with everyone else except you know who

Luminous was resting after having to be close to veldora for so long, with Hinata watching over her as she slept

Dino as most of you can tell was fast asleep, with Draguel having something to eat as he enjoyed his alone time.

Milim on the other hand was with her parents considering that this was her first time actually playing with her parents. She looked more happy then she usually did, having a few tears come out here and there.

Ramiris was with veldora. Since after the last reaction, veldora introduce manga to her. She without using more time was completely additive to them. Rimuru sighed seeing another one becoming a weeb. Speaking of which

Rimuru was busy playing a game of UNO, with Yuuki winning it

Rimuru:"what you got yuuki, what you got" he was in his human form with eyes full of hope for the win

Yuuki:" oh rimuru San, your finished!" Before he could hit rimuru with a +100 and UNO, he stopped after feeling something..

Rimuru:" Ooh yuuki,.. if you hit me with a +100 and UNO, I'm committing a crime for each one of those cards. It will be one year I end up plotting my revenge against your great great grandkids, if you hit me with a plus 4 I'll be a little bit salty okay. I I I might not talk to you for the rest of the day. But if you hit me with a plus 100, come here if you hit me with a plus 100. I'll become your mortal enemy, I'm gonna wipe out your entire Goddamn bloodline, I swear to God. Every single happy moment that you may have in your life. Whether it be you getting married to you having your first child. I will ruin, when your son first learns how to walk I will eat your legs off, just so you'll never be able to relate to him again. Your pillow will always be warm when you try to sleep, even if you flip it over. Because I'm gonna be there breathing on it. Every time you bang your toe on the corner, come here it was me. I moved the entire structural support of your house just to Fu*k up your day. And When you are at the end of the road surrounded by your family in that little bed of yours, getting ready to pass on to the next life. I'll be there to revive you, just to show you that I'm not finished yet. Your enemies will be closer than friends ever will be"

After that yuuki just gave up with rimuru winning it at the end. With another 30 minutes or so passing azathoth thought it was time for the reaction to begin

Azathoth:" alright everyone, it's time to continue with our reaction"

The primordial demons were having a free for all match before it was stopped as azathoth bought them all back to their seats

Gii:" what is it this time?"

Rudra:"who knows with this guy"

Luminous:" this better be good "

Azathoth:" don't worry everyone this reaction is not for you but for our slime here "

Leon :" why is that?"

Rimuru:" yeah, why is it for me?"

Azathoth:"well since you don't know much about your Creator, this reaction was made to show you him. Most of the people here already know about him but not you "

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