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the morning light peeked through the curtains. my heart was heavy from the glow of yesterday, a lingering ache that pulled me back to the tender moments we had shared the day before.

the ping of my phone interrupted my thoughts, drawing my attention to the screen. a message from my best friend san awaited my eyes. as I read his text, he had expressed his deepest regrets and hopes for reconciliation, warmth flooded my heart. with an eager smile, i typed a quick response - of course all was forgiven between us. the bonds of friendship are not so easily broken. a smile appeared on my lips as I realized my best friend and I had made our bond restore to its former strength.

a new message came into sight. the group proposed a gathering of all 8 of us together for today.

6gayz 2 straight among us

papajoong: All of you guys are
coming to my house today at 4pm

mamahwa: What's going on??
im coming

yunhoe: i'm ofc in but there better
be drinks 🤗

papajoong: Okay just don't get
to drunk 😒

jongtherockjohnson: tf im not
hanging out with you weirdos

yeothang: i'm available !!

jongtherockjohnson: i'm coming

mango: what a douche and yeah
im coming of course

jongtherockjohnson: of course
you would lanky ass

mango: what tf did you call me

johntherockjohnson: lanky ass

wooyo: i'm in!!

mountain: me too


i rummaged through my closet, searching for the perfect outfit to wear to my friend's house. after some hesitance from picking out items, i decided on a relaxed, casual look. i pulled on my favorite pair of faded blue jeans, the ones that were just a little too big and hung loosely around my hips. for a top, i chose an oversized, cozy black cardigan that enveloped me in its soft warmth. the long sleeves draped past my hands, adding to the laidback vibe. i looked in the mirror and smiled, pleased with my baggy, comfortable look. i then grabbed my phone and headed out the door, excited for the day ahead.

- time skip to hongjoongs house -

my fist knocked on the wooden door, its echo vibrating through the quiet street. the door creaked open to reveal my friend's smiling face while he welcomed me in. i stepped inside, scanning the room. most of our group had already arrived, their chatter and laughter filling the cozy space. but then i saw him lurking in the corner. his intimidating eyes glinted with a hint of happiness as our gazes locked. i looked away not knowing what to do, do i walk up to him, are we still okay? are we good but just not on talking terms? thoughts filled my head.

but then i saw him approaching, my heart skipped a beat. i froze in place, unsure what to do. as he drew near, he gave me a friendly "hey woo." his tone was warm and open. would it be that we wouldn't be awkward together anymore? a glimmer of hope flickered inside me. maybe this encounter would be different than our last painful exchange. i managed a shy "hi." in return, still cautious, the ice between us seemed to be melting.

the initial hello was awkward, our conversation strained. but as the minutes ticked by, the tension melted away. before we knew it, we were chatting loosely and laughing like the old times. our words flowed freely, memories were shared, inside jokes revived. our chatter and the others seemed to die down after we got interrupted from a loud voice.

"okay everybody, we are playing spin the bottle!" hongjoong announced.

yells and cheers surfaced across the room. we all sat down on the floor while seonghwa got the game ready, placing a bottle in the middle. "who wants to ask first?"

"me bitch" yunho yelled. we watched as my friend reached his hand out and gave the empty bottle a spin. it whirled around and around on the hardwood floor before slowing to a stop, its neck pointed directly at song mingi across from me. his eyes lit up with anticipation as he leaned forward eagerly. "truth or dare?" my friend asked with a sly grin. we all waited to see how he would respond. after a moment's hesitation, he chose dare. next it was his turn for the bottle to decide who would be the next target.

the empty green bottle spun round and round on the carpet before slowing to a stop, the tip of the bottle had pointed directly at me and my friend's grin turned mischievous as he said the following shocking words. "who would you let in this room to fuck you?" mingi said, his question hitting me like a bucket of ice water. the other guys hooted with laughter at my shocked expression. i stammered, trying to come up with a response, my cheeks burning red. i then came up with an answer.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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