Chapter two

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Cole sat alone in his dimly lit dorm room, the weight of his actions pressing down on him like a heavy cloak. The events of the evening replayed in his mind like a broken record, each moment etched in vivid details. The elevator door closing, the stolen glances, the sudden surge of courage that propelled him to take a leap he never thought he would.

Earlier that evening, the campus buzzed with activity as students prepared for the weekend. Cole found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, torn between loyalty and an undeniable attraction that had been brewing for far too long. His girlfriend, Emily, and her best friend, Ashley, were inseparable – a bond formed long before Cole entered the picture.

The three of them had shared countless memories, laughter, and even occasional disagreements. But tonight, everything changed. In the confined space of the elevator, as the soft hum of the ascending lift surrounded them, Cole and Ashley found themselves locked in a moment that defied reason. It was a kiss that tasted like forbidden fruit, a transgression that sent shockwaves through Cole's conscience.

Now, in the solitude of his room, Cole grappled with the aftermath. The dim glow of his desk lamp illuminated the chaos of scattered textbooks and crumpled notes, mirroring the turmoil in his mind. He wasn't a stranger to guilt, but this time it felt different. There was a strange sense of liberation, as if the kiss had untangled a knot he didn't realize existed.

As the weekend loomed ahead, Cole couldn't escape the anticipation of the impending fallout. He had made a choice, and now he had to face the consequences. He replayed his motivations, searching for a hint of remorse, but all he found was an undercurrent of longing he couldn't deny. The truth, buried beneath layers of social expectation, emerged with startling clarity – he had fallen for Ashley.

The clock on the wall ticked away, marking the passage of time as Cole delved into introspection. He pondered the fragility of relationships, the complexity of human emotions, and the undeniable pull that led him to this precipice. The room seemed to close in on him, and he felt an urgent need to escape the suffocating silence.

Determined to confront the reality he had created, Cole decided to spend the weekend with his dad. It was a retreat, a temporary escape from the impending storm. He packed his bag, each item a reminder of a life left behind for a few days. As he locked the door behind him, the weight on his shoulders remained, but a glimmer of excitement ignited within him. The prospect of distance seemed to offer a reprieve, a chance to gain perspective before facing the tangled web of emotions that awaited him.

The journey to his dad's place was a blur of landscapes and fleeting thoughts. Cole's mind oscillated between the guilt that whispered in the recesses of his conscience and the unspoken hope that this weekend away would bring clarity. He questioned the nature of love and loyalty, wrestling with the realization that sometimes the heart defies boundaries set by societal norms.

Arriving at his dad's doorstep, Cole was greeted by a familiar warmth, the feeling of home plus the memory of his late mom hit him hard in the chest. He could really use a hug from his mom right now to comfort his troubled heart. He walked into the house and observed his father's absence, his eyes caught a photo album on the dinning table telling that his father had looked into them again, and not too long ago, probably just before stepping out.
Cole took the album and sat himself on the sofa, flipping through old family photos. His father, Professor Hugh Stonbridge enters the room and notices the nostalgic atmosphere.

"What are you looking at son?

" Oh you back!!... didn't notice when you walked in. Hmmmm, I was just going through these old pictures Dad, remembering Mom. Cole's Dad moved closer and sat beside him.
"Ah, your mother. Such a remarkable woman. What caught your eye?
Cole asked, pointing to a particular picture..
"This one. It was taken on our family trip to the mountains. Mom always made those vacations magical".
His father nods in affirmation
"She had a way of turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. Like the time she taught you to skip stones by the lake". Cole smiles and kept a steady stair on the photo album like he was watching that memory play on the album
"Yeah, and she'd laugh every time one of mine sank".
They shared a moment of silence, remembering. "Your mother was the heart of our home. How are you holding up my boy?
Cole looks down. "It's tough, Dad. I miss her every day, but remembering the good times helps. Cole's Dad put a hand on his son's shoulder, "We'll get through this together. Now, let's switch gears for a moment. How's school going?" Adjusting to the new environment? Cole nods, "It's different, Dad. New faces, new challenges. But I'm managing. Still finding my way around With the help of Emily and her Best friend Ashley". His Dad smiles, "that's nice to hear, How are your classes?" Cole leans back, "Challenging, but I enjoy them. Professor Williams is tough, but fair. His dad laughs "Ah, Williams. I remember him. A brilliant mind. You'll learn a lot from him. And friends?
Cole looks thoughtful. "Making some. It takes time, but I'm getting there.
"Good. Remember son, life is a series of adjustments. Your mother would be proud of the person you're becoming.

They shared a comforting smile, finding strength in each other's presence.


As the weekend drew closer to an end, Cole found himself standing at the crossroads of his own making.
It is Sunday and he has a date with Emily, 7pm at the beach side not too far from his home. Remembering Emily, he steeled himself for the inevitable confrontation, knowing that the truth could no longer be concealed for too long. Would he find the guts to tell her how he feels about her friend Ashley? or may be this just isn't the right moment. Emily had always been a good lover and Ashley had both been a good friend to him as well given the fact that they had all been friends since he started dating Emily in highschool. Emily had been a good and loyal lover and has given him no reason whatsoever to doubt her love for him. The guilt weighed more on him this time. "I possibly can't hurt Emily. I just have to find a way around this" Cole said to himself while making his way out of the house, heading towards the beach side for his proposed date with Emily

Meeting Emily was a collision of conflicting emotions. Her eyes searched his, unknowingly seeking reassurance of his physical body being aware of her presence. Caught in a web of guilt and desire, Cole struggled to find the words To start a conversation with Emily...... "This place is so peaceful. I love being here with you, what's wrong you seem distracted"
Cole smiled... "of cause I am. I'm distracted by how beautiful you look under the light of the stars and moon
Emily chuckled, feeling loved by his kind words. Cole kissed her on the head "You know, sometimes I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Emily, smiling uncontrollable "Aw, stop it! But seriously, I feel the same way. So, how's your day been?

* Oh, you know, the usual. Classes, assignments, daydreaming about you.

" Smooth talker. But hey, speaking of classes, how's that History assignment going?

" Ugh, don't remind me. It's like my brain is resisting every attempt to understand those ancient civilizations.

"You'll get through it. We can always study together. Teamwork, right?

" Absolutely. You make everything better. By the way, have you talked to Ashley recently? How's she doing?

" Yeah, I saw her yesterday. She's good, same old Ashley. Why? hasn't been too long after our last hangout together on Friday...

" Just curious. You two have been friends forever. It's nice you have someone like her.

" You mean We...Loking at Cole surprisingly like something is off about him...True, she's my rock. But why the sudden interest?

"No reason, just wondering. Friends are important.

" They sure are. We are lucky too, having a friend like her.

"Yah right....

They shared a moment of silence both staring at the bright moon and drowned in their own secret thoughts while they sat in each other's embrace, holding softly on to one another. The memory of the elevator event still playing over and over in Cole's head

Life, he acknowledged, was a tapestry woven with threads of joy and sorrow, love and loss. Monday was now staring him right in the face, and he knew he wasn't yet ready to face Ashley. She'll definitely be present at the cheerleaders practice while he will be training with the school's basketball team.

"What would tomorrow hold?

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