Chapter 4 The New Alpha

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They were everywhere. Pterodactyls picking people off the ground and tossing them around until they were eaten. I recognized Claire's assistant being thrown around. That was, until the Mosasaur jumped out of the water and ate Zara and the Pterodactyl. Zach and I were back to back while Gray was in between us. "We have to find Aunt Claire!" Gray shouted over the screams and screeches of humans and dinosaurs. "There!" I point to Claire standing on top of an ice cream cart.

"Claire!" I shout and run over to her with the boys following behind. "Oh my god, are you guys okay!?" Claire says as she checks us for any major injuries. My scrape isn't that bad, so we decide to just place a bandage on it. "Thank God you guys are safe and sou- Owen!" Claire shouts. She picks up a piece of wood and hits the mutant Pterodactyl that was attacking Owen. Claire then grabs a gun and shoots the Pterodactyl 3 times before it finally goes away.

What happened next is what really surprised me. Owen. My brother. Kissing Claire. Kissing. "Can we keep it PG?" I ask. "What? Don't act like you haven't done anything with Zach." Owen smirks. "We haven't done anything.." I say and give Owen a glare. I turn to look at Zach to see him blushing and Gray making kissy-faces. I shake my head in 'disgust' because deep down I know that I have a tiny crush on Zach.

"Ema!" Zach and Gray shout at the same time. I realize what's happening and quickly backup. A Pterodactyl is headed straight my way. I see Owen shoot it, but that doesn't stop it from moving. Even though it's dead, it's still sliding on the ground. I crawl back and hope that it's far enough. The Pterodactyl is less than an inch away from my face. I quickly slide out of it's reach only to see more people being attacked by Pterodactyls.

"Come on!" Owen says and leads us to a Jeep. I get in the back seat with Gray and Zach and lock the doors after everyone was in. "It's not like they know how to open doors." Zach says. "They don't but the Raptors and the Indominus Rex do." I say. "Oh," Zach says and blushes. I lightly laugh and then realize that I'm holding Zach's hand. "Sorry." I say and let go. He shrugs and takes my hand back in his.

"Where to?" I ask. "Hoskins wants his field test, he's gonna get it." Owen says and drives to the Velociraptor habitat. He's getting his field test?! Since when did we even let Hoskins into the Raptor habitat? Before I know it, we're all getting out of the Jeep. Owen goes up to Hoskins and punches him right in the face. "Ooh!" We all say. "You son of a bitch! You wanted this to happen." Claire says. "She shouldn't say bitch." Gray whispers. I lightly smile and watch as Hoskins and Owen argue.

"You and I both know that the Raptors are the only way we're gonna beat that thing. Tranquilizer darts and little nets won't kill that thing." Hoskins says. I see Owen sigh then shake hands with Hoskins. "He did it." I say bluntly. "It's okay." Zach says. "They know what they're doing, right?" Gray asks. "Yeah. I hope so." I mumble.

"Alright, we have one target. Do not shoot my Raptors. We wait to engage. Raptors hunt in packs. They herd their pray into one space, then they attack." Owen explains. All the men nod then start placing camera's on Charlie, Echo, Blue and Delta. "Bye, Delta." I say and stroke her head. "Who's the Alpha?" Gray asks. "Owen is." I reply. "Ema, it's time to go." Zach says. "Okay." I mumble and follow Zach to a truck.

"Alright, I'll be right at the front. If you need anything, open that window. Now, put on your seat belts." Claire says. We look around for seat belts, but can't find any. We don't even have actual seats. "Oh. Just hold hands." Claire said and closed the doors. Gray tapped on my arm and held out his hand. "Are you serious?" Zach asks and laughs a little. Gray simply shrugs and lightly smiles.

All I can think about right now are the Raptors. What's going to happen to Delta? Or Charlie? Will Echo get hurt? What happens if Blue gets hurt? I guess the boys sensed their my nervousness. Zach rubbed my back and Gray told me that everything was going to be okay.

The ride was very bumpy, but we finally came to a halt. I opened up the window and saw the Raptors, Barry, some guards, and Owen. Claire was looking at it all from her tablet computer. "Damn," I whispered. "Your boyfriend is a badass." Zach said. Claire lightly smiled before closing the window. "What do you think is happening out there?" Gray asks. "Their probably cornering the Indominus Rex or something." I say. "Let's take a peek." Gray says and opens the window. We look at the tablet and see that the Raptors- are attacking human!?

"Now I know why they wouldn't tell us what the Indominus is made out of." I say. "It's part Raptor." Gray says. I nod and close the window back up again. "The Indominus is their new alpha." I say. "So, will they kill the Raptors?" Zach asks. "Most likely." I mumble. I open the window back up again, but immediately regret it. A bloody hand hits the window and someone shouts, "Drive!". I close back up the window and tell Gray and Zach what happened. The truck starts to move at a very fast speed. "Ema!" Gray shouts and points to the doors. Three raptors are chasing us. I recognize them as Blue, Delta, and Echo. Where's Charlie?

Zach takes a large bottle off of the shelf and throws it at one of the Raptors. It tumbles over but quickly gets back up and chases us. I take one of the electric staffs. I quickly switch it on and electrify the first Raptor that jumps at us. One of the Raptors that are left run to the right side of the truck. The truck moves to the right, slamming the Raptor against a tree. Only Blue is left. I turn on the electric staff and when Blue jumps, I zap it. The electric staffs won't kill them, but it will leave them week for about an hour.

"Owen!" Gary shouts and points. I turn and see Owen on his motorcycle. "Owen!" We all shout. He smiles then speeds up a little and is leading the way to the park. "I'm guessing that it's in the park." I say. "Are you saying that we have to get out of the truck?" Gray asks. "Yep." I say, popping the 'p'.

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