Phantoms (Part 2)

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Drake's P.O.V

I can't see shit in here. I never realized how fucking dark the attraction gets after hours. I place my hand on the wall behind me and feel around for he light switch. A few seconds later, I flick it on and the entire attraction lights up...but in an eerie, haunted sort of way.

" least I can see now."

Ignoring the creepy atmosphere, I make my way down the hallway to the back office of the attraction towards the office. As I pass the arcade, I hear one of the machines turning on, yet when I turn my head all I see is static. I also notice something out the corner of my eye; two white dots piercing through the shadows.

"Well that's not ominous at all." I mutter. I continue to the back office, gripping my crowbar tight.

The closer I get to the office, the more I feel like I'm being watched. I find myself constantly turning my head around expecting to find something staring me down. Finally, I make it to the back security office. I get the keys from my jacket, for the key through the lock and open the door. I find the light switch and turn it on. The office is illuminated with a sickly green fluorescent hue. Shaking the chills out of my body, I make my way to the security tablet, sitting back on my regular office chair, and get to work.

I turn the tablet on and switch through the various cameras until I get to the one stationed in the main hall, where Raiden was found bleeding out.

"Alright. Let's do thi-"

Something catches my eye in the top left corner. The static makes it hard to see at first, but I noticed it the moment I switch cameras.

A purple eye.

Staring at me.

The camera glitches for a second. And as the screen clears, the eye is gone.

"...that's concerning."

Suddenly, I feel a vibration in my pocket, startling me a bit. I let out a relieved sigh once I realize that it's Mike.

You still alive?

Yea, I'm alive. I'm about to rewind the camera footage. But...

But what? What's wrong?

I think I'm being watched

Should I come with the bat?

No, don't. Give it thirty minutes. I'll text you if something happens, kay?


I turn my phone off and shove it in my pocket, turning my attention back to the cameras. I notice the purple glow from my eye on the edge of the screen.

"Okay, just need to open the camera settings, toggle the configuration and..."

I tap the screen as I mumble to myself. I press another, and just like that, I have access the camera's log. A few minutes later, I find the footage from my first night on the job, the night of Raiden's attack.

"Got it!"

I whip out my phone to quickly text Mike:

I found the footage


I put my phone away and focus back on the tablet. But right as I'm about to press play, I hear something. Something that raises my heart rate immediately.

Rusty gears.

I look up from the tablet to the huge glass window in front of me and the colour drains from my face. I see something, a dark and muddy green, limping across, it's back hunched and a little animatronic ear and top hat peeking into view. It's face is lit up by pale white eyes, showing the face of an animatronic bear with a missing ear and a microphone in its other hand. My eyes widen, images.od the last proper encounter I had with the animatronic flashing through my mind.

But before I could even properly react, he disappears.

I reach for my phone, my hands shaky. I find my breathing getting heavier and heavier as I type. The air itself seems to be getting thicker. Finally, I hit send.


I put my phone away and turn back to the tablet, trying to compose myself. I take deep breaths to try and calm myself down. The air quality is making it really fucking difficult right now. And that beeping is driving me fucking nuts! I feel like I can't breathe.

I can't breathe...

The air...

"The ventilation system!"

I spin on my chair and rush to he second tablet on the other side of the room, the one Mike would normally operate at. And sure enough, there's an error in the vent system. I tap the screen and reboot the system.

Then a sudden presence sends the coldest shills down my spine. A sharp pain shoots through my head for a moment, and for a second, my vision turns purple.

I turn to grab my crowbar, only to be met with a pair of white hollow eyes.

Followed a deafening shriek.

The entire room flashes red, the ventilation error echoes through the office, the cameras start to glitch out into static. I find myself on the floor, taking frantic, heavy breaths, clutching my chest. The air feels even thicker than before... I feel like I'm being choked to death.

My vision starts to blur. My ears are flooded with ringing. My throat feels clogged. My head feels fuzzy. The only thing I'm able to make out are the six faded figures with pale dots crowding around me.

With that, everything fades to black.



Am I the only one who feels like 2023 went by so slow, but at the same time feels like January was yesterday? Damn, how time flies. This has been a pretty rough one for me. I've had to face a shit ton of personal issues to deal with and some academic obstacles to jump over, even some writing challenges I had to overcome, but I made it to the end. And I cannot wait for the new year. And I hope you all are too. That's it from me, I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of this year.

See you all in 2024.

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