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Here is my last one-shot for 2023. Thank you everyone who has read, voted and commented on my fics this year, you're all superstars.

This last fic is based on a prompt for the Miraculous Fanworks Discord Server Anniversary. I hope you enjoy.


Christmas holidays were a big deal at Françoise DuPont collège. As the last bell rang everyone was out the building as though it was on fire.

Goodbyes were thrown to each other, promises of catch ups and outings; hugs, fist bumps and even some kisses, and yet as Adrien moved at a snail's pace towards his car, the opposite feeling was there. He didn't want to be at home, he wanted to be here with all his friends. He knew his father wouldn't allow him the opportunity to 'roam' around Paris like a bored teen, instead he'd have extra tuition and piano rehearsals.

Oh, was only two weeks. Just two weeks of confinement and loneliness and then he would be back here. Back in the warm embrace of his friends and classmates.

He made it down the last step and took one last look up at the building he adored more than his mansion. It was just two weeks. Two weeks and he would be back. He was strong, he was a superhero. He could do this.

Three days into the break and he realised he couldn't do it.

Laying back on his bed, Adrien placed his phone beside him and ran his hands down his face. There was nothing to do.

Nino was currently skiing in the Alps, Alya was babysitting and Marinette was working in the bakery. He could probably reach out to some of his other friends, like Luka or Max, but he always felt slightly awkward... they were friends, but they weren't friends who he hung out with without the others present. The anxiety of not knowing what to say or do was far too overwhelming and not at all what he wanted to do at the moment.

He lifted up a hand and looked at his ring. He could maybe go for a patrol, but that would be alone too, he knew Ladybug was busy over the Christmas period. He'd volunteered to pick up the patrols to give her family time, she didn't even question it before saying yes.

Not even a single 'what about your family, Chaton.' Just a thank you and an 'I'll see you when I see you'.

Adrien glanced at his phone again, before picking it up. At the beginning of the break, he remembered Nino telling him about a website where you could vent your frustrations almost anonymously. All he needed to do was sign up and create a disguising nickname. Something smart and, maybe, even including a pun of some sort.

No one apart from himself knew he was... Prince Catnip!

... and as Prince Catnip the world were now completely aware of his father's horrendous parenting. He decided to pull up his latest AITAH post and see if anyone else had replied to his last vent, when a new post caught his eye.

 He decided to pull up his latest AITAH post and see if anyone else had replied to his last vent, when a new post caught his eye

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Miraculous One-Shots 2023Where stories live. Discover now